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Dark Ride: A Thriller (2023)

Tekijä: Lou Berney

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582455,538 (4.18)8
"From Lou Berney, the acclaimed, multi award-winning author of November Road and The Long and Faraway Gone, comes a Dark Ride"--

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I go back inside. I need to locate someone, immediately, who is suited to handle this situation. Because I am definitely not someone suited to handle this situation. I have no special skills or talents, and nobody, ever, has put me in charge of anything.

Hardy "Hardly" Reed is a pretty happy guy. He's still paying off the few semesters of college he managed, but he's living comfortably in his landlord's garage and spends his free time, when he's not out earning minimum wage working at a failing amusement park, getting stoned with his two best friends. Then, one day when he's getting a postponement on a traffic ticket, he sees two little kids sitting alone and, approaching them, he sees signs that they are being abused. Hardly has no idea what he should do, he just knows that something has to be done.

Lou Berney writes excellent noir-style crime novels and his protagonists are what one would expect; world-weary private eyes or hit men with a conscience. Hardly is barely an adult and has never been someone anyone has ever depended on. And he has no idea of what to do. But Hardly knows he may be the only person interested in helping the two children and so he starts to figure out what he can do, and along the way he finds some help from a former private detective turned realtor, a goth girl working at the dmv, and a loud and awkward teenage co-worker.

With this novel. Berney has written the kind of thriller that usually features someone like Jack Reacher as the main character, someone enormously competent and able to knock heads and use a weapon. Hardly's last claim to bravery was years earlier, when he saw his older foster brother being beat up and so went over and joined him in getting beat up. Hardly what anyone would call help. Now, up against a dangerous and violent criminal with employees who are willing to kill, Hardly may be facing daunting odds, but the thing is, for the first time in his life, he is thinking things through, making plans and doing his best. That doesn't mean that he will succeed. ( )
  RidgewayGirl | Oct 16, 2023 |
Dark Ride by Lou Berney is a very highly recommended unique thriller. Once you start reading Dark Ride you won't be able to stop. One of the best.

Twenty-three-year-old Hardy “Hardly” Reed is an easy-going stoner who is coasting through life working at an amusement park until he sees something he can't un-see. Hardly see two children sitting on a bench with no emotion at the DMV and notices cigarette burns on both children. He tries to check and see if they are okay, but they won't talk to him. Their mother comes out, they leave, and Hardly can't forget them.

He manages to find out who the mother was and contacts Child Protective Services about them. Soon he realizes that CPS is overworked and understaffed so the two children are going to fall through the cracks, so Hardly does the unthinkable, for him, he starts investigating them in order to save them. For the first time in his life he is willing to fight for something, but he doesn't realize exactly what he is getting involved with.

Hardly is not exactly hero material, but the perfect quote is in the synopsis, "Sometimes the person you least expect is just the hero you need." And I was supporting this guy the whole time. The pace is fast, the plot is compelling, and Hardly is focused, in his own unique way, on saving these two kids the whole time. Yes, he has numerous flaws, but he knows this one cause, saving those two kids, is worth fighting for. Goodness, I really liked this completely flawed character with such a good heart.

The writing is pitch-perfect and simply excellent. I was totally immersed in this novel from beginning to end. I laughed, held my breath, rooted for Hardly, and cried. I rooted for Hardly, the kids, and the friends who helped him throughout the narrative. One of the best of the year.
Disclosure: My review copy was courtesy of HarperCollins via Edelweiss.
http://www.shetreadssoftly.com/2023/09/dark-ride.html ( )
  SheTreadsSoftly | Sep 5, 2023 |
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"From Lou Berney, the acclaimed, multi award-winning author of November Road and The Long and Faraway Gone, comes a Dark Ride"--

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