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What is a Playhouse?

Tekijä: Callan Davies

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
This book offers an accessible introduction to England's sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century playing industry and a fresh account of the architecture, multiple uses, communities, crowds, and proprietors of playhouses. It builds on recent scholarship and new documentary and archaeological discoveries to answer the questions: what did playhouses do, what did they look like, and how did they function? The book will accordingly introduce readers to a rich and exciting spectrum of "play" and playhouses, not only in London but also around England. The detailed but wide-ranging case studies examined here go beyond staged drama to explore early modern sport, gambling, music, drinking, and animal baiting; they recover the crucial influence of female playhouse owners and managers; and they recognise rich provincial performance cultures as well as the burgeoning of London's theatre industry. This book will have wide appeal with readers across Shakespeare, early modern performance studies, theatre history, and social history.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatNikki_J, malcolmoxley, HistoryToday, dkathman

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This was chosen by Emma Smith, Professor of Shakespeare Studies at Hertford College, Oxford and author of Portable Magic: A History of Books and their Readers (Allen Lane, 2023), as one of History Today’s Books of the Year 2023.

Find out why at HistoryToday.com.
  HistoryToday | Nov 24, 2023 |
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This book offers an accessible introduction to England's sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century playing industry and a fresh account of the architecture, multiple uses, communities, crowds, and proprietors of playhouses. It builds on recent scholarship and new documentary and archaeological discoveries to answer the questions: what did playhouses do, what did they look like, and how did they function? The book will accordingly introduce readers to a rich and exciting spectrum of "play" and playhouses, not only in London but also around England. The detailed but wide-ranging case studies examined here go beyond staged drama to explore early modern sport, gambling, music, drinking, and animal baiting; they recover the crucial influence of female playhouse owners and managers; and they recognise rich provincial performance cultures as well as the burgeoning of London's theatre industry. This book will have wide appeal with readers across Shakespeare, early modern performance studies, theatre history, and social history.

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