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The Royal Woods

Tekijä: Matt Duggan

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1811,202,905 (2.5)-
All it takes is one look. One look for twelve-year-old Sydney and her nine-year-old brother Turk to know that everything has changed. The farm where their Uncle Frank and Aunt Lily used to live is gone, and along with it, their dreams of a "happily ever after." No safe place to hide from all that had gone wrong in their world; no one to tell them that everything would be alright. No one, even, to say that hopping a freight train and heading West probably wasnt the greatest idea theyd ever had. The farm had been their destination, but in its place was a strange new subdivision: The Royal Woods. Rather than return home and admit defeat, Sydney and Turk embark on the adventure of a lifetime in a world where fantasy and reality collide-where chickens ride ponies, where golf putters are magic, and where children survive on the strength of their own wits. In The Royal Woods, you never know what will happen next.… (lisätietoja)

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In spite of this being a Silver Birch nominee, I didn't really enjoy it that much. I liked parts of it, but was disappointed with the book overall.
12 year old Sydney, and her 8 year brother run away from home because their dad is so depressed after the death of his wife. Sydney thinks he will be happier without them around to remind him of his wife. They plan to visit their Aunt and Uncle on their farm, but the plans do not work out. Most of the novel is the tale of them trying to survive in the new community known as "The Royal Woods." There are some funny parts, but overall, the book was not what I had hoped for a Silver Birch nominee.
Spoilers follow:
The description of them going through the car wash, and the descriptions of the crazy man's appearance and his house were my favourite parts. ( )
  JRlibrary | Jan 31, 2009 |
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All it takes is one look. One look for twelve-year-old Sydney and her nine-year-old brother Turk to know that everything has changed. The farm where their Uncle Frank and Aunt Lily used to live is gone, and along with it, their dreams of a "happily ever after." No safe place to hide from all that had gone wrong in their world; no one to tell them that everything would be alright. No one, even, to say that hopping a freight train and heading West probably wasnt the greatest idea theyd ever had. The farm had been their destination, but in its place was a strange new subdivision: The Royal Woods. Rather than return home and admit defeat, Sydney and Turk embark on the adventure of a lifetime in a world where fantasy and reality collide-where chickens ride ponies, where golf putters are magic, and where children survive on the strength of their own wits. In The Royal Woods, you never know what will happen next.

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