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Where Are the Eggs? (Storytelling Math)

Tekijä: Grace Lin

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2121,072,229 (5)-
"While looking for the eggs that the chickens laid, Mei searches all over her yard. Teaches young readers about spatial sense"--

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Excerpt from a longer article:

Synergy: Celebrating Mathematics

MATHEMATICS is the science of numbers and their use. From counting, arranging, and measuring objects to describing shapes, math is connected with everything we do. Branches of mathematics include arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and calculus.

To understand a concept, it’s useful to read a cluster of books related to a theme. Explore these recently published books for young people:

STORYTELLING MATH is a book series from Charlesbridge featuring children of color applying math to the world around them. Readers are encouraged to become mathematical thinkers. Let’s explore several new books in the series.

WHO JUMPS MORE?, OUR FAVORITE APPLES, WHERE ARE THE EGGS?, and A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE FOR BIRDS written and illustrated by Grace Lin are four recently published books in the Storytelling Math series. Whether searching for eggs or building a bird house, each story celebrates math in the daily lives of children.

LIA & LUIS books are written by Ana Crespo and Giovana Medeiros. In PUZZLED!, the twins who use geometry and sorting skills to decipher a puzzle sent by their grandmother. In WHO HAS MORE?, an argument about favorite snacks has the twins applying measurement, counting, and estimation skills. Like some other books in the STORYTELLING MATH series, this title is available in Spanish, English, and bilingual editions.

TOO-SMALL TYSON written by JaNay Brown and illustrated by Anastasia Magloire Williams tells the story of a missing pet gerbil. Along the way, children learn about proportional thinking.

To learn more about the series, visit the website for author interviews and lots of extras. Go to https://www.charlesbridge.com/pages/storytellingmath.

ARCs courtesy of Charlesbridge, an imprint of Penguin Random House. ( )
  eduscapes | May 24, 2023 |
Where was this book when I had teenagers who could never find ANYTHING right in front of their noses!? Not a conventional book about numbers, but rather an exploration of spatial skills and the art of seeking.
The illustrations by the author are fun, simple, colorful, and delightful explorations of finding eggs on the farm.
Well suited for reading WITH someone of any age including ESL, and great for gifting to anyone, but especially to a school or your public library!
I requested and received a free temporary e-book on Adobe Digital Editions from Charlesbridge via NetGalley. Thank you! ( )
  jetangen4571 | Feb 17, 2023 |
näyttää 2/2
Young readers will be able to find and point to the eggs while caregivers use the positional words...Bright, solid colors outlined in black make the illustrations warm and inviting. And while the text is minimal, it still exudes charm and invites interaction.

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"While looking for the eggs that the chickens laid, Mei searches all over her yard. Teaches young readers about spatial sense"--

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