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Life Application Study Bible (King James Version)

Tekijä: Tyndale

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1521181,359 (4.32)-
1990 Gold Medallion Award winner!The Life Application Study Bibleis today's #1 selling study Bible because it helps people see how the Scriptures are relevant to today's issues. This edition of the Life Application Study Bible lets you enjoy the best-selling Life Application features with the time-honored King James Version.Special Features: Thousands of Life Application notes help explain God's Word and challenge readers to apply the truth of Scripture to life Personality profiles highlight over 100 important Bible characters Book introductions provide vital statistics, overview, and timeline to help readers understand the message of each book 200 thumbnail maps highlight important Bible places and events 260 charts help explain difficult concepts and relationships Cross-references Harmony of the Gospels built right into the text of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Dictionary/concordance Words of Christ in red Daily reading plan Genuine leather and bonded leather editions include gold-page edges and ribbon marker… (lisätietoja)

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One of my favorite Bibles. ( )
  levell71 | Aug 1, 2009 |
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Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


1990 Gold Medallion Award winner!The Life Application Study Bibleis today's #1 selling study Bible because it helps people see how the Scriptures are relevant to today's issues. This edition of the Life Application Study Bible lets you enjoy the best-selling Life Application features with the time-honored King James Version.Special Features: Thousands of Life Application notes help explain God's Word and challenge readers to apply the truth of Scripture to life Personality profiles highlight over 100 important Bible characters Book introductions provide vital statistics, overview, and timeline to help readers understand the message of each book 200 thumbnail maps highlight important Bible places and events 260 charts help explain difficult concepts and relationships Cross-references Harmony of the Gospels built right into the text of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Dictionary/concordance Words of Christ in red Daily reading plan Genuine leather and bonded leather editions include gold-page edges and ribbon marker

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