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Rock, Rosetta, Rock! Roll, Rosetta, Roll!: Presenting Sister Rosetta Tharpe, the Godmother of Rock & Roll

Tekijä: Tonya Bolden

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
314782,023 (4.13)-
"Award-winning author Tonya Bolden and acclaimed illustrator R. Gregory Christie deliver an inspiring true story about the life, career, and impact of 20th-century blues and gospel singer Sister Rosetta Tharpe, who was a trailblazer for rock-and-roll. Includes a timeline of Sister Rosetta Tharpe's life, author's note, and a list of sources. Before there was Elvis, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, and Johnny Cash, there was Sister Rosetta Tharpe. The godmother of rock & roll started as a little girl from Arkansas with music in her air, in her hair, in her bones, wiggling her toes. With a big guitar in hand and a big voice in her soul, she grew into a rock & roll trailblazer in a time when women were rarely seen rocking out. Her guitar picking was like nobody else's!"--Publisher marketing.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 4/4
Timeline. List of sources. Author’s note includes more interesting facts.
  VillageProject | Feb 1, 2024 |
This would be appropriate for primary aged students. It is about Rosetta Tharpe who is seen as the godmother of rock and roll. It follows her life and process/journey of becoming famous. I think that this book would be helpful to have in class because it is a true story but kidified.
  stewartj22 | Jan 10, 2024 |
Primary or intermediate non-fictional book. Shares the story of Rosetta Tharpe, “The Godmother of Rock and Roll”. Could be used to demonstrate or share a biography. This could also work great to share the history of a influential black figure.
- Lower Elementary ( )
  haraki21 | Jan 8, 2024 |
First sentence: A long, long time ago, there you were.
Pint-size sensation in tiny
Cotton Plant, Arkansas.
Rosie Etta.
Who had a clue you'd one
day rock the world?

Premise/plot: This one is a picture book biography of singer/musician Sister Rosetta Tharpe. It is written in verse. It covers her life and career.

My thoughts: I'd never heard of Sister Rosetta Tharpe before reading this one. (Though I'd heard of This Train. And maybe perhaps even heard *her* version of This Train.) It is always a pleasure to genuinely, actually LEARN while reading children's nonfiction. This one left me super curious to seek out her music and give it a listen. ( )
  blbooks | Jun 1, 2023 |
näyttää 4/4
A profile as bold and vivacious as the singer herself.
vibrant paintings pulse with energy
deftly capturing echoes of the way she united a “rhythm-bound Gospel sound” with “beats from Gospel’s
stellar combination of foot-stomping prose and
bold illustrations
lisäsi pdxkc | muokkaaBooklist (starred review)
vibrant illustrations bring the story to life with movement and punch, matching Tharpe’s personality.
lisäsi pdxkc | muokkaaSLJ
...Bolden’s dynamic second-person text puts readers in Tharpe’s shoes....Christie’s acryla gouache paintings use bold contrasting colors to show Tharpe as the center of attention as well as the center of the action...He contrasts crisp angular lines (of industrial modernity—trains, spotlights, skylines) with elegant curves
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"Award-winning author Tonya Bolden and acclaimed illustrator R. Gregory Christie deliver an inspiring true story about the life, career, and impact of 20th-century blues and gospel singer Sister Rosetta Tharpe, who was a trailblazer for rock-and-roll. Includes a timeline of Sister Rosetta Tharpe's life, author's note, and a list of sources. Before there was Elvis, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, and Johnny Cash, there was Sister Rosetta Tharpe. The godmother of rock & roll started as a little girl from Arkansas with music in her air, in her hair, in her bones, wiggling her toes. With a big guitar in hand and a big voice in her soul, she grew into a rock & roll trailblazer in a time when women were rarely seen rocking out. Her guitar picking was like nobody else's!"--Publisher marketing.

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