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Escapes! (True Stories from the Edge)

Tekijä: Laura Scandiffio

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
2011,072,356 (2.83)-
Ten nail-biting stories of real-life escapes. In 1979, the streets of Iran's capital city, Tehran, turned ugly. Six Americans caught in the uprising found protection at the Canadian embassy. Through the feverish efforts of the embassy staff, the fugitives were disguised as Canadians -- complete with fictitious passports -- and were able to escape the country. History is full of such daring escapes, often creative, always heart-pounding. Escapes! recounts ten of these nail-biting tales. Discover Lady Nithsdale's ruse to free her husband from the impenetrable Tower of London in 1716. Fall into Douglas Bader's harrowing escape from a plummeting Spitfire in World War II. Hold your breath as two families drift over the Berlin Wall in a homemade hot-air balloon! From getaway gladiators to runaway slaves, from the endless Sahara to the impassable Bastille, each exciting story will have young readers eager to escape into the next! Key Features: Fascinating true stories of ingenuity, drama, suspense, and heroics Stories from throughout history, from ancient Rome to the modern day Black & white line drawings with each story… (lisätietoja)

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Amazing stories of escape from history. My favourite is the one about Douglas Bader, the WW2 flying ace who lost both legs in a plane crash and then took to the sky with 2 artificial legs. There are also stories of the gladiator Spartacus, the Berlin wall, American embassy staff trapped in Iran, P.O.Ws in Germany and escapes from the Bastille, to name a few. p.83 “And then the plane… top.84 England at war.” Then to a aerial dog fight p.86 –91 “legs”. ( )
  nicsreads | Apr 22, 2007 |
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

Ten nail-biting stories of real-life escapes. In 1979, the streets of Iran's capital city, Tehran, turned ugly. Six Americans caught in the uprising found protection at the Canadian embassy. Through the feverish efforts of the embassy staff, the fugitives were disguised as Canadians -- complete with fictitious passports -- and were able to escape the country. History is full of such daring escapes, often creative, always heart-pounding. Escapes! recounts ten of these nail-biting tales. Discover Lady Nithsdale's ruse to free her husband from the impenetrable Tower of London in 1716. Fall into Douglas Bader's harrowing escape from a plummeting Spitfire in World War II. Hold your breath as two families drift over the Berlin Wall in a homemade hot-air balloon! From getaway gladiators to runaway slaves, from the endless Sahara to the impassable Bastille, each exciting story will have young readers eager to escape into the next! Key Features: Fascinating true stories of ingenuity, drama, suspense, and heroics Stories from throughout history, from ancient Rome to the modern day Black & white line drawings with each story

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