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The Red Scholar's Wake

Tekijä: Aliette de Bodard

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: Xuya Universe Romances (1), Xuya Universe, chronological, Xuya Universe (novel)

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3181685,053 (3.73)10
When tech scavenger Xích Si is captured and imprisoned by the infamous pirates of the Red Banner, she expects to be tortured or killed. Instead, their leader, Rice Fish, makes Xích Si an utterly incredible proposition: an offer of marriage. Both have their reasons for this arrangement: Xích Si needs protection; Rice Fish, a sentient spaceship, needs a technical expert to investigate the death of her first wife, the Red Scholar. That's all there is to it. But as the interstellar war against piracy rages on and their own investigation reaches a dire conclusion, the two of them discover that their arrangement has evolved into something much less business-focused and more personal...and tender. And maybe the best thing that's ever happened to either of them--but only if they can find a way to survive together. A rich space opera and an intensely soft romance, from an exceptional SF author. Advance Praise for The Red Scholar's Wake: "So romantic I may simply perish." --Tasha Suri, author of The Jasmine Throne "LESBIAN SPACE PIRATES. Enough said." --Katee Robert, NYT bestselling author of Neon Gods "The Red Scholar's Wake is a fizzingly inventive space opera, quite unlike anything I've encountered before, and told with style, grace, and a big dose of heart. SF is lucky to have Aliette de Bodard." --Alastair Reynolds, Sunday Times bestselling author "The Red Scholar's Wake takes you on an exhilarating dive into space piracy with passion, politics, dazzling settings, and-even better-a profound core of love transcending hopelessness that rings throughout the story." --Everina Maxwell, author of Winter's Orbit… (lisätietoja)
  1. 00
    Deep as the Sky, Red as the Sea (tekijä: Rita Chang-Eppig) (karenb)
    karenb: Excellent historical fiction about the same pirates in their original context (time & place).

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 16) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Set in the Xuya universe which has more asian lean than many other SF novels but I found myself easily putting it down. The last third flew but it was a slog to get there for me. I suspect this series is a not for me series, I just didn't connect with the characters and I'm not sure if it's the style or what is a block to my enjoying the series. I have tried several short and novel-length stories in this series because I'm reading the Hugos but keeping trying is not doing any good for the series.
This is the story of a romance between Rice Fish, a sentient ship, former wife of the Red Scholar. Who wants to find out the how and why of her wife's death. Xich Si is a bot maker, data analyst captured by Rice Fish and married to help discover the truth. But there are complications, including those of society and family and that they both are starting to feel some sort of respect for each other that is developing into romance.
The beginning moved quickly enough but the middle lagged for me with the end moving again at a clip. It just didn't work for me overall, no matter how much I wanted it to. ( )
  wyvernfriend | Jun 18, 2024 |
I think I can now safely say that Aliette de Bodard's novels are not for me. I'm reserving judgment on her short stories because I loved the only one I read. But novels, nope. Her writing is too wordy and ornate and the simplest action takes a gazillion pages of the character's soul-searching to describe. This makes action scenes extremely frustrating. The story was good though, and the book short enough that I managed to finish it. ( )
  FlorenceArt | Dec 12, 2023 |

A space opera romance, where the extra wrinkle is that the central relationship is between a human woman and the AI of a pirate spaceship. The setup is clear and the emotional perspective of the characters totally convincing. Also the economic and political basis for pirate spaceships controlled by artificial intelligence is pulled off with assurance. Not a book you could imagine Arthur C. Clarke writing, but one you could well imagine him enjoying. ( )
  nwhyte | Nov 28, 2023 |
It had certainly been a while since i read any Xuya stories when i finally got this in my Kindle's memory bank, but i soon fell back into the universe like i'd never been away.

'The Red Scholar is dead.'   So begins the story.   And left behind in her wake is her wife, the mindship Rice Fish.

The Red Scholar was the head of the Red Banner of the pirates and Rice Fish wants to stake her claim as banner head, but to do so she needs to find out who arranged the death of her wife.   In order to do so she enlists the help of a captured scavenger, Xich Si.   And so begins a story of intrigue, deception, betrayals, love, and all kinds of crazy pirates' political machinations.

Super good stuff, as are all the Xuya Stories i've read.

Next in the Xuya universe is A Fire Born of Exile.

Bye for now. ( )
  5t4n5 | Aug 18, 2023 |
If there is such a thing as world LGBT science fiction, Aliette de Bodard is its poster child. She was born in New York to French-Vietnamese parents. Her native language is French, but she writes in English from her home in Paris. She describes The Red Scholar’s Wake as “a lesbian space pirates romance.” It is set in a Vietnamese-inspired galactic empire. Scholars rule the fleet, whose sentient spaceships communicate with their crews through bots and a haptic holographic avatar.
We follow an on-again-off-again romance between Xich Si and the pirate ship Rice Fish. Xich Si left her six-year-old daughter with a relative and indentured herself to a scavenger ship to build and repair bots. Her scavenger ship is captured by the Red Banner pirate ship Rice Fish. The Red Banner is in disarray because its ruling scholar has been murdered, and the Rice Fish avatar needs Xich Si’s skill with bots to help her identify the killer. Rice Fish proposes a political marriage between them to give Xich Si the status she needs to do the job. An odd couple romance ensues. The characters are engagingly complex, but the political drama is only a background buzz.
The novel is on the Arthur C. Clarke Award shortlist. ( )
  Tom-e | Aug 3, 2023 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 16) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Aliette de Bodardensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Winans, AlyssaKansikuvataiteilijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
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To my friends, for their support
Ensimmäiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
'The Red Scholar is dead.'
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
(Napsauta nähdäksesi. Varoitus: voi sisältää juonipaljastuksia)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


When tech scavenger Xích Si is captured and imprisoned by the infamous pirates of the Red Banner, she expects to be tortured or killed. Instead, their leader, Rice Fish, makes Xích Si an utterly incredible proposition: an offer of marriage. Both have their reasons for this arrangement: Xích Si needs protection; Rice Fish, a sentient spaceship, needs a technical expert to investigate the death of her first wife, the Red Scholar. That's all there is to it. But as the interstellar war against piracy rages on and their own investigation reaches a dire conclusion, the two of them discover that their arrangement has evolved into something much less business-focused and more personal...and tender. And maybe the best thing that's ever happened to either of them--but only if they can find a way to survive together. A rich space opera and an intensely soft romance, from an exceptional SF author. Advance Praise for The Red Scholar's Wake: "So romantic I may simply perish." --Tasha Suri, author of The Jasmine Throne "LESBIAN SPACE PIRATES. Enough said." --Katee Robert, NYT bestselling author of Neon Gods "The Red Scholar's Wake is a fizzingly inventive space opera, quite unlike anything I've encountered before, and told with style, grace, and a big dose of heart. SF is lucky to have Aliette de Bodard." --Alastair Reynolds, Sunday Times bestselling author "The Red Scholar's Wake takes you on an exhilarating dive into space piracy with passion, politics, dazzling settings, and-even better-a profound core of love transcending hopelessness that rings throughout the story." --Everina Maxwell, author of Winter's Orbit

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