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The Determined Bachelor

Tekijä: Judith Harkness

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252932,837 (3.83)-
A COUNTERFEIT GOVERNESS Anne Calder was a headstrong young woman bent on earning her own living as novelist, preferably in London. Before she could follow her first successful book with a second, however, Anne had to find an entree into London society. And what better method than to assume the guise of a governess and secure employment with Sir Basil Ives, the noted statesman and diplomat? Chaperoning his ward allowed Anne to mingle with the upper crust while closely observing Sir Basil himself. Handsome, arrogant, icily formal, and sought after by every London hostess, Sir Basil would make a perfect character for her next novel...But Anne's amusing little masquerade soon became a more serious affair as she fell under the spell of Sir Basil, who, as everyone knew, was not the marrying kind... Fans of Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer will delight in the reissue of another classic Regency Romance by Judith Harkness. With a light touch and witty eye for human foibles, Harkness paints the fashionable world of Regency England, when styles were dictated by Beau Brummel, the Duchess of Devonshire held court, and dandies paraded in their phaetons and four. Groomed by their mamas to capture the hearts of the most eligible bachelors of the day, fashionable young ladies passed the Season at Bath, where they were presented at the Assembly Rooms in all their finery and feathers. Brimming with period detail, The Determined Bachelor will delight readers craving a good, old-fashioned romantic story in the tradition of Pride and Prejudice. Judith Harkness is the author of five classic Regency Romances: The Montague Scandal, The Admiral’s Daughter, The Determined Bachelor, Contrary Cousins, and Lady Charlotte’s Ruse, all originally published by Signet. She is the co-author of a screenplay, EMMA in New York, an updated version of the classic Jane Austen novel set in contemporary Manhattan. As J.H. Richardson, she writes non-fiction on subjects ranging from children with learning and developmental issues to profiles of notable creative artists. She lives in Rhode Island with her husband, Will Taft. Jane Austen Alert! --Carla Sarett, Ph.D. Radnor, PA . Author, "Nine Romantic Stories.”… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
Excellent story about a 35 year old man who is very contented with his life. Sir Basil becomes guardian to a 9 year old Nicole and has to hire a governess Anne and his rigid world starts to crumble much to the readers delight. ( )
  LHThomas | Sep 20, 2020 |
I enjoyed this regency romance. Of course the governess and her employer were going to end up together. One always knows how these stories will end, but its the journey that counts and the author did well with that. It was also nice to read a regency romance where the heroine didn't flee and have to be sought out again.
The cover depicted here is not a good rendition of the story though. It suggests an unwanted advance, which is not in keeping with the tone of the story.
The copy I read was an epub version borrowed from my state library. I suspect it was created with an OCR scan as there were some odd spelling errors, such as 'die' for 'the' and 'man' for 'than'. Not a huge number, but enough that made me keep an eye out for them. The worst one was 'gentile' motherhood instead of 'gentle'.
Recommended for lovers of regency romance. ( )
1 ääni IMSauman | Dec 31, 2018 |
näyttää 2/2
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A COUNTERFEIT GOVERNESS Anne Calder was a headstrong young woman bent on earning her own living as novelist, preferably in London. Before she could follow her first successful book with a second, however, Anne had to find an entree into London society. And what better method than to assume the guise of a governess and secure employment with Sir Basil Ives, the noted statesman and diplomat? Chaperoning his ward allowed Anne to mingle with the upper crust while closely observing Sir Basil himself. Handsome, arrogant, icily formal, and sought after by every London hostess, Sir Basil would make a perfect character for her next novel...But Anne's amusing little masquerade soon became a more serious affair as she fell under the spell of Sir Basil, who, as everyone knew, was not the marrying kind... Fans of Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer will delight in the reissue of another classic Regency Romance by Judith Harkness. With a light touch and witty eye for human foibles, Harkness paints the fashionable world of Regency England, when styles were dictated by Beau Brummel, the Duchess of Devonshire held court, and dandies paraded in their phaetons and four. Groomed by their mamas to capture the hearts of the most eligible bachelors of the day, fashionable young ladies passed the Season at Bath, where they were presented at the Assembly Rooms in all their finery and feathers. Brimming with period detail, The Determined Bachelor will delight readers craving a good, old-fashioned romantic story in the tradition of Pride and Prejudice. Judith Harkness is the author of five classic Regency Romances: The Montague Scandal, The Admiral’s Daughter, The Determined Bachelor, Contrary Cousins, and Lady Charlotte’s Ruse, all originally published by Signet. She is the co-author of a screenplay, EMMA in New York, an updated version of the classic Jane Austen novel set in contemporary Manhattan. As J.H. Richardson, she writes non-fiction on subjects ranging from children with learning and developmental issues to profiles of notable creative artists. She lives in Rhode Island with her husband, Will Taft. Jane Austen Alert! --Carla Sarett, Ph.D. Radnor, PA . Author, "Nine Romantic Stories.”

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