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Einstein Puzzles: Brain Stretching Challenges Inspired by the Scientific Genius

Tekijä: Gareth Moore

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
117,793,295 (4)-
This puzzle collection comes with an eye-catching graphic cover design that is sure to appeal to puzzle fans. The scientific genius of Albert Einstein has not been diminished by time with his theories still proving head scratching to most people - this collection of puzzles aims to embody the mind bending nature of his mathematical and scientific skill. This collection is filled with intriguing puzzles that will be sure to appeal to fans of scientific and mathematical puzzles who are looking for a challenge.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatpomo58

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Einstein Puzzles is a fun collection of puzzles (logic, scientific, mathematical) that will provide hours of excellent brain exercise.

This collection, I think, finds the sweet spot for such a book. The majority are neither so hard that you will consider giving up nor so easy you will lose interest. Some will no doubt stump you, but no one is perfect, just enjoy the learning experience. Many may take you a bit of time to figure out, which is what most logic puzzle fans want. And there will be some, not too many I believe, that will seem relatively easy to you, probably because the mental gymnastics required for those fall into your personal comfort zone.

I jumped around a bit to get a feel for the book and now I am going to use it in the way that I find most enjoyable. After reading a bit before bed I like to go to sleep with something for my mind to ponder while I fall asleep, and indeed while I am sleeping. For those nights when my reading material doesn't offer this, I can pick a puzzle, read it, begin considering it, then go to sleep. I may run into a few that will keep me up, but knowing I want my subconscious to consider it usually helps me to fall asleep even with something on my mind.

Recommended for those who enjoy puzzles that require more than just looking for the "trick" in them. And as a gift for such people.

Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via NetGalley. ( )
  pomo58 | Nov 6, 2022 |
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This puzzle collection comes with an eye-catching graphic cover design that is sure to appeal to puzzle fans. The scientific genius of Albert Einstein has not been diminished by time with his theories still proving head scratching to most people - this collection of puzzles aims to embody the mind bending nature of his mathematical and scientific skill. This collection is filled with intriguing puzzles that will be sure to appeal to fans of scientific and mathematical puzzles who are looking for a challenge.

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