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Cruel Seduction

Tekijä: Katee Robert

Sarjat: Dark Olympus (5)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
453455,721 (3.84)-
Fiction. Mythology. Romance. Aphrodite has never flinched at getting her perfectly manicured hands dirty, and she's not about to start nowâ??even if that means marrying Olympus's enemy number one, the new Hephaestus. She has a wicked plan to keep her deadly new husband off-balance, seducing the one person he seems to care about most in this world: Pandora, a woman as beautiful as she is sweet. Two can play the seduction game, however, and Hephaestus is all too happy to put his new wife in her place. Her ex, Adonis, seems like he'll do the trick. It doesn't hurt that he's gorgeous in the way of fallen angels either. The only problem with using seduction as a weapon? Hearts are all too quick to get involved. With Hephaestus and Aphrodite trading venomous strikes that feel a whole lot like foreplay, lines become blurred and emotions entangled. But a broken heart may be the least of their worries. With unrest in Olympus reaching new heights, these bedroom games may have deadly consequences for them both, their city, and everyone they've come to lo… (lisätietoja)

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The ending saved this book quite a bit for me; I didn't see Katee going in that particular direction in regards to titles/jobs, but I really enjoyed that! It set this installment apart from the others in the Dark Olympus series. Unfortunately, there was more that I was bored with than I was delighted in the book, especially in regards to the characters.
The biggest weakness, in my opinion, with "Cruel Seduction" is that most of the characters are just not given enough time to really be developed and let the reader truly connect with them. I found Eris to be the strongest-written character and was really rooting for her. I also quickly grew to like Pandora and then, near the very end, Adonis, but even then both felt like they lacked that spark of personality that truly brought them to life. Hephaestus? Can't stand him. Even with his whole sob story I found him to be so dry and unlikeable that it started to taint my perception of the other characters for wanting to be with him. I also accidently called him "Hepatitis" out loud on while on a plane, which really shows how much I cared to remember him or his name lol ( )
  deborahee | Feb 23, 2024 |
Again Robert hits it out of the park. She is a master, and this book is excellent. ( )
  mlstweet | Oct 15, 2023 |
Another sexy romp with a good plot - this serious sparkles! Here Aphrodite, Adonis, Pandora, and Hesphates are the protagonists. ( )
  dcoward | Aug 24, 2023 |
Cruel Seduction by Katee Robert
Dark Olympus series #5. Retelling mythology. Romance with erotica elements. Can be read as a stand-alone but better as part of the series.
Aphrodite is forced to marry the new Hephaestus for political reasons, and the 13. She plans leverage by seducing Pandora, the only person he seems to care about. He retaliates by seducing Adonis, her ex-lover. Lines blur and emotions get entangled. But Olympus is far from stable and enemies may be closer than they realize.

🎧 I listened to an audiobook version of this book, narrated by Alex Moorcock and Zara Hampton-Brown. These two have done the full series to-date alternating chapters by POV between Aphrodite and Hephaestus, female and male. The two narrative voices complement each other in tonal quality, timing and inflection. Passion is clearly portrayed as is hate and worry. I enjoyed this at a speed of 1.5 for the best conversational comfort. And I admit I turned the sound down a few times for privacy. Don’t want the mail carrier or FedEx delivery person tripping down the stairs. 🤣

This episode of the series does little to advance the series arc. It’s panting melting romance erotica throughout the entire book. Steamy hot over and over again. Some political barbs and rearranging but love seems to be a higher motivation these days.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley and publisher Dreamscape Media. ( )
  Madison_Fairbanks | Aug 6, 2023 |
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Fiction. Mythology. Romance. Aphrodite has never flinched at getting her perfectly manicured hands dirty, and she's not about to start nowâ??even if that means marrying Olympus's enemy number one, the new Hephaestus. She has a wicked plan to keep her deadly new husband off-balance, seducing the one person he seems to care about most in this world: Pandora, a woman as beautiful as she is sweet. Two can play the seduction game, however, and Hephaestus is all too happy to put his new wife in her place. Her ex, Adonis, seems like he'll do the trick. It doesn't hurt that he's gorgeous in the way of fallen angels either. The only problem with using seduction as a weapon? Hearts are all too quick to get involved. With Hephaestus and Aphrodite trading venomous strikes that feel a whole lot like foreplay, lines become blurred and emotions entangled. But a broken heart may be the least of their worries. With unrest in Olympus reaching new heights, these bedroom games may have deadly consequences for them both, their city, and everyone they've come to lo

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Keskiarvo: (3.84)
3 7
3.5 1
4 10
5 4

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