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There Goes the Neighborhood

Tekijä: Jade Adia

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
471548,719 (3.5)-
A raised fist against the destructive forces of gentrification and a love letter to communities of color everywhere, Jade Adia's unforgettable debut tells the darkly hilarious story of three best friends willing to do whatever it takes to stay together. The gang is fake, but the fear is real. Rhea's neighborhood is fading away-the mom-and-pop shops of her childhood forced out to make space for an artisanal kombucha brewery here, a hot yoga studio there. And everywhere, the feeling that this place is no longer meant for her. Because while their little corner of South L.A. isn't perfect, to Rhea and her two best friends, it's something even more important-it's home. And it's worth protecting. But as more white people flock to their latest edgy, urban paradise for its cheap rent and sparkling new Whole Foods, more of Rhea's friends and family are pushed out. Until Rhea decides it's time to push back. Armed with their cellphones and a bag of firecrackers, the friends manipulate social media to create the illusion of gang violence in their neighborhood. All Rhea wanted to do was protect her community. Her friends. Herself. No one was supposed to get hurt. No one was supposed to die. But is anyone ever really safe when you're fighting power with fear?… (lisätietoja)

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This is an honest and unique exploration of the emotional impact that gentrification has on the displaced, especially youth. Rhea and her friends are skeptical of the fancier businesses appearing in their beloved and diverse Los Angeles neighborhood and of the white people moving in. When Zeke's family gets an eviction notice due to the sale of their building, Rhea, Malachi and Zeke make up a fake street gang to frighten away investors from the area. Their elaborate social media ruse seems to work until it gets beyond their control: Zeke is arrested for his landlord's murder, Rhea receives threatening texts, and other people are involved in dangerously unexpected ways. A genuine and captivating voice that will appeal to older teens. ( )
  Salsabrarian | Jun 7, 2023 |
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A raised fist against the destructive forces of gentrification and a love letter to communities of color everywhere, Jade Adia's unforgettable debut tells the darkly hilarious story of three best friends willing to do whatever it takes to stay together. The gang is fake, but the fear is real. Rhea's neighborhood is fading away-the mom-and-pop shops of her childhood forced out to make space for an artisanal kombucha brewery here, a hot yoga studio there. And everywhere, the feeling that this place is no longer meant for her. Because while their little corner of South L.A. isn't perfect, to Rhea and her two best friends, it's something even more important-it's home. And it's worth protecting. But as more white people flock to their latest edgy, urban paradise for its cheap rent and sparkling new Whole Foods, more of Rhea's friends and family are pushed out. Until Rhea decides it's time to push back. Armed with their cellphones and a bag of firecrackers, the friends manipulate social media to create the illusion of gang violence in their neighborhood. All Rhea wanted to do was protect her community. Her friends. Herself. No one was supposed to get hurt. No one was supposed to die. But is anyone ever really safe when you're fighting power with fear?

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