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How to Write Erotica

Tekijä: Rachel Kramer Bussel

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712,417,647 (3)-
Have you had intimate fantasies or simmering plotlines you've wanted to write but weren't sure how or where to start? Let renowned erotica author and editor Rachel Kramer Bussel show you how to turn those fragments into fully fleshed out erotic stories, novellas, and novels. In this guide, Bussel takes her twenty plus years of experience in the genre and walks writers through the ins and outs of erotic writing. Whether you want to see your work on the shelves of bookstores, pen sexy stories or letters, or simply explore your creativity, How to Write Erotica will put you on the path to becoming the next Anaïs Nin! Having taught erotic writing workshops at universities, conferences, and sex toy stores, Bussel knows how to make even those who blush at the word "sex" feel comfortable putting pen to paper. Aspiring erotic authors will learn everything they need to know about gaining inspiration from their surroundings, breaking into publishing, promoting their work, and making a name for themselves. You don't need a degree, writing experience, or sexual experience to write good erotica. All you need is a keen imagination and a willingness to follow your lusty mind. Contains mature themes.… (lisätietoja)

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I'm really glad I read this. ( )
  iszevthere | Apr 26, 2023 |
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Have you had intimate fantasies or simmering plotlines you've wanted to write but weren't sure how or where to start? Let renowned erotica author and editor Rachel Kramer Bussel show you how to turn those fragments into fully fleshed out erotic stories, novellas, and novels. In this guide, Bussel takes her twenty plus years of experience in the genre and walks writers through the ins and outs of erotic writing. Whether you want to see your work on the shelves of bookstores, pen sexy stories or letters, or simply explore your creativity, How to Write Erotica will put you on the path to becoming the next Anaïs Nin! Having taught erotic writing workshops at universities, conferences, and sex toy stores, Bussel knows how to make even those who blush at the word "sex" feel comfortable putting pen to paper. Aspiring erotic authors will learn everything they need to know about gaining inspiration from their surroundings, breaking into publishing, promoting their work, and making a name for themselves. You don't need a degree, writing experience, or sexual experience to write good erotica. All you need is a keen imagination and a willingness to follow your lusty mind. Contains mature themes.

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