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Happy New Year: This winter’s most gripping must-read thriller with a shocking twist

Tekijä: Malin Stehn

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
251943,808 (3.63)-
It's far from a happy new year for the Wiksells when seventeen-year-old Jennifer never returns home from a party. It's New Year's Eve. The best night of the year. As old friends the Wiksells and the Anderssons raise their glasses, their teenage children host their own party across town, finally free to let loose. But the next morning, seventeen-year-old Jennifer Wiksell is missing. The hours tick by. The police get involved. And no one knows who to trust. These two families have a lot to hide. Could the answer to Jennifer's disappearance lie close to home? This new year, old secret will have deadly consequences.… (lisätietoja)

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It's new years eve and there are two parties happening. One attended by two best friends and one hosted by their daughters. When Jennifer doesn't return home and is reported missing, the search begins. Friendships and relationships are tested as it becomes obvious that everyone has things to hide.

I quite enjoyed the reading experience but overall this was just... okay? And yeah, mysteries and thrillers don't have to be anything spectacular but even by those standards this was pretty average. It was an enjoyable read, but I didn't like the ending. I don't know how much this was influenced by the constantly switching perspectives or even the translation, but what happened and the way it was written was a bit of a let down. I also felt like certain aspects of dysfunctional relationships were maybe brought up a bit too often. There was a lot of inner monologue stuff going on and given how plain yet unlikable all the characters were (not an inherently bad thing of course!) it just didn't do as much as I hoped. This could be the translation to some extent, but the same content (which I think could have been trimmed down with regards to some aspects of what was happening and very much fleshed out for others) would have been present in the original so it probably goes beyond that. While what was happening was interesting enough to keep my interest, I do think it could have been stronger. ( )
  TheAceOfPages | Aug 6, 2024 |
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It's far from a happy new year for the Wiksells when seventeen-year-old Jennifer never returns home from a party. It's New Year's Eve. The best night of the year. As old friends the Wiksells and the Anderssons raise their glasses, their teenage children host their own party across town, finally free to let loose. But the next morning, seventeen-year-old Jennifer Wiksell is missing. The hours tick by. The police get involved. And no one knows who to trust. These two families have a lot to hide. Could the answer to Jennifer's disappearance lie close to home? This new year, old secret will have deadly consequences.

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