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Users : a novel

Tekijä: Colin Winnette

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631422,814 (2.69)1
"Miles, a lead creative at a midsize virtual reality company known for its "original experiences," has engineered a new product called The Ghost Lover. Wildly popular from the outset, the "game" is simple: a user's simulated life is almost identical to their reality, except they're haunted by the ghost of an ex-lover. However, when a shift in the company's strategic vision puts The Ghost Lover at the center of a platform-wide controversy, Miles becomes the target of user outrage, and starts receiving a series of anonymous death threats. Typed notes sealed in envelopes with no postage or return address, these persistent threats push Miles into a paranoid panic, blurring his own sense of reality, catalyzing the collapse of his career, his marriage, and his relationship with his children"--… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 1 maininta

"It was a problem of perspective--he knew too much, or not enough."

The aspect of this I ended up enjoying most was the relationship and marriage, and the notes on how what he got at face value with his wife revealed a lot of the underlying points of what he didn't. I wasn't as invested in the techy or mysterious parts, though the commentary on capitalism was quite astute. There's got to still be a company if the company's going to improve! ( )
  whakaora | Mar 5, 2023 |
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"Miles, a lead creative at a midsize virtual reality company known for its "original experiences," has engineered a new product called The Ghost Lover. Wildly popular from the outset, the "game" is simple: a user's simulated life is almost identical to their reality, except they're haunted by the ghost of an ex-lover. However, when a shift in the company's strategic vision puts The Ghost Lover at the center of a platform-wide controversy, Miles becomes the target of user outrage, and starts receiving a series of anonymous death threats. Typed notes sealed in envelopes with no postage or return address, these persistent threats push Miles into a paranoid panic, blurring his own sense of reality, catalyzing the collapse of his career, his marriage, and his relationship with his children"--

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