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The Flowers of Buffoonery (1935)

Tekijä: Osamu Dazai

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1013277,449 (3.66)7
For the first time in English, Osamu Dazai's hilariously comic and deeply moving prequel to No Longer Human The Flowers of Buffoonery opens in a seaside sanitarium where Yozo Oba--the narrator of No Longer Human at a younger age--is being kept after a failed suicide attempt. While he is convalescing, his friends and family visit him, and other patients and nurses drift in and out of his room. Against this dispiriting backdrop, everyone tries to maintain a lighthearted, even clownish atmosphere: playing cards, smoking cigarettes, vying for attention, cracking jokes, and trying to make each other laugh. While No Longer Human delves into the darkest corners of human consciousness, The Flowers of Buffoonery pokes fun at these same emotions: the follies and hardships of youth, of love, and of self-hatred and depression. A glimpse into the lives of a group of outsiders in prewar Japan, The Flowers of Buffoonery is a darkly humorous and fresh addition to Osamu Dazai's masterful and intoxicating oeuvre.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 3/3
it s definitely not something that is to be taken at ease, however i feel like the story lacks something that would make it perfect. the sidenotes from the author are a bit annoying, but they are needed. i also like the intentional "well damn this is not the best ending, but it could be worse" ( )
  Mayushii | Apr 5, 2024 |
fiction - novella orig. published in 1935, translated from Japanese

short story about the absurd feelings one might feel in a sanitarium following a failed suicide attempt, punctuated by the narrator's self-deprecating/self-loathing humor about how he's failing as an author/storyteller, written by a renowned author who would himself commit suicide 13 years later.

a fairly bizarre reading experience; I'm not sure what to make of it, frankly, but the good news is it's really short.

takes place in 1930s Japan, winter. ( )
  reader1009 | Mar 1, 2024 |
4.5 ( )
  femmedyke | Sep 27, 2023 |
näyttää 3/3
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For the first time in English, Osamu Dazai's hilariously comic and deeply moving prequel to No Longer Human The Flowers of Buffoonery opens in a seaside sanitarium where Yozo Oba--the narrator of No Longer Human at a younger age--is being kept after a failed suicide attempt. While he is convalescing, his friends and family visit him, and other patients and nurses drift in and out of his room. Against this dispiriting backdrop, everyone tries to maintain a lighthearted, even clownish atmosphere: playing cards, smoking cigarettes, vying for attention, cracking jokes, and trying to make each other laugh. While No Longer Human delves into the darkest corners of human consciousness, The Flowers of Buffoonery pokes fun at these same emotions: the follies and hardships of youth, of love, and of self-hatred and depression. A glimpse into the lives of a group of outsiders in prewar Japan, The Flowers of Buffoonery is a darkly humorous and fresh addition to Osamu Dazai's masterful and intoxicating oeuvre.

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