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Son of the Poison Rose

Tekijä: Jonathan Maberry

Sarjat: Kagen the Damned (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
574462,665 (4.67)-
"Son of the Poison Rose marks the second installment of New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Maberry's epic, swashbuckling Kagen the Damned series. The Silver Empire is in ruins. War is in the wind. Kagen and his allies are on the run from the Witch-king. Wild magic is running rampant everywhere. Spies and secret cabals plot from the shadows of golden thrones. Kagen Vale is the most wanted man in the world, with a death sentence on his head and a reward for him-dead or alive-that would tempt a saint. The Witch-king has new allies who bring a terrible weapon-a cursed disease that drives people into a murderous rage. If the disease is allowed to spread, the whole of the West will tear itself apart. In order to build an army of resistance fighters and unearth magical weapons of his own, Kagen and his friends have to survive attacks and storms at sea, brave the haunted wastelands of the snowy north, fight their way across the deadly Cathedral Mountains, and rediscover a lost city filled with cannibal warriors, old ghosts, and monsters from other worlds. Along with his reckless adventurer brothers, Kagen races against time to save more than the old empire... if he fails the world will be drenched in a tsunami of bloodshed and horror. Son of the Poison Rose weaves politics and espionage, sorcery and swordplay, treachery and heroism as the damned outcast Kagen fights against the forces of ultimate darkness"--… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 4/4
There was so much action packed into book #2 of the Kagen the Damned series and I am very much looking forward to reading the next book in this series (that is me assuming there will be a third book based on how this book finished). I also just found out there was a novella that takes place between books 1 and 2 called I Say Your Name in the Dark Nights and I am going to have to read that one as well! I love that this story literally starts where book 1 ends, which allows us to jump straight into the story. I love that we got to see a glimpse of Kagen and what he is capable of and I am hoping we will get to see more of that in the next book. Overall, I am super excited for book #3! ( )
  Shauna_Morrison | Apr 2, 2023 |
Sequel to Kagan the Damned, an action packed romp. Nods to some of Maberry's other works in this epic fantasy. Explores what it is to be a hero in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Multiple stories and perspectives in the frequently shifting narrative - from he Witch-King in the castle, to Kagen on his quest, the Widow (whose story advanced just a little but it was intimated that she would be critical), and Mother Frey.
A lengthy tome but the pacing kept the pages turning. ( )
  ewyatt | Feb 2, 2023 |
Well, hell.

This book had a couple of things going against it right from the get-go.

The first is, it's the middle book in a trilogy, and honestly, I usually find this is where all the info you need is dumped, nothing is resolved, and the characters are just run through their necessary paces before we get to the crazy, wonderful denouement that is the third book. And yeah, that's what this is.

The second is, this one took a bit to get going. Yes, it's a long book, and in typical Maberry fashion, its intricately plotted, with a lot of moving pieces.

However, Maberry swept aside all concerns because, while this was the middle book, with all its middle book cliches, and it took a while to get going...it really didn't take me long to get sucked back into this world and just sit back and let this story wash over me.

And holy shit, what Maberry pulls off here is nothing short of magnificent. There was a point, right toward the end of Part Three where, if I'd been a touch more immature than I am (yes, I know, a virtually impossible lower setting of maturity), I would have dropped the book, stood up, and done a fist pump, then and end-zone dance. It was that frigging good.

So, hell yes, I'm desperately waiting for the next book. Kagen will never replace Joe Ledger, but hot damn, he comes close. ( )
  TobinElliott | Jan 20, 2023 |
Seriously, how is it that Kagen can be so frustratingly annoying one moment and such a complete hero of a badass the next? Once again, Kagen the damned who mostly feels sorry for his lot in life yet determined to avenge the deaths of his family and the imperial family sets off on the next phase of this adventure with Tuke and Filia set off in search of Mother Frey to find out what she has planned.
The story picks up after his attempt on the life of the witch-king. The Witch-King, now joined by a new character known as the Prince of Games, someone not quite human who feels that his fate is tied to the Witch-Kings success in defeating Kagen.
Once again, story was just so freaking entertaining! I love the characters, the storyline is engaging and the world building is superb. If you loved Kagen the Damned you will NOT be disappointed in second book of this series. I cannot wait for the next book! Hopefully it comes as quickly as this book did! ( )
1 ääni Verkruissen | Dec 20, 2022 |
näyttää 4/4
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Epigrafi (motto tai mietelause kirjan alussa)
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
This is for L. Sprague de Camp—friend, mentor, and more. Way the hell back in 1971 you introduced me to Weird Tales magazine … and now I'm the editor of that book's newest incarnation. You introduced me to the scope and breadth of swords-and-sorcery fiction and encouraged me to try my hand at it … and here I've written my second novel in that genre. You believed in me, and I wish you were still with us, because I'd love to sit once more in the comfy chairs in your library/office and talk books and talk shop. Thanks for everything, Sprague!

And, as always, for Sara Jo.
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Nothing lasts.
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"Son of the Poison Rose marks the second installment of New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Maberry's epic, swashbuckling Kagen the Damned series. The Silver Empire is in ruins. War is in the wind. Kagen and his allies are on the run from the Witch-king. Wild magic is running rampant everywhere. Spies and secret cabals plot from the shadows of golden thrones. Kagen Vale is the most wanted man in the world, with a death sentence on his head and a reward for him-dead or alive-that would tempt a saint. The Witch-king has new allies who bring a terrible weapon-a cursed disease that drives people into a murderous rage. If the disease is allowed to spread, the whole of the West will tear itself apart. In order to build an army of resistance fighters and unearth magical weapons of his own, Kagen and his friends have to survive attacks and storms at sea, brave the haunted wastelands of the snowy north, fight their way across the deadly Cathedral Mountains, and rediscover a lost city filled with cannibal warriors, old ghosts, and monsters from other worlds. Along with his reckless adventurer brothers, Kagen races against time to save more than the old empire... if he fails the world will be drenched in a tsunami of bloodshed and horror. Son of the Poison Rose weaves politics and espionage, sorcery and swordplay, treachery and heroism as the damned outcast Kagen fights against the forces of ultimate darkness"--

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Jonathan Maberry keskusteli verkossa LibraryThingin jäsenten kanssa Mar 22, 2010 - Apr 4, 2010. Lue keskustelu.

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