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Keep My Secrets

Tekijä: Elena Wilkes

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822,179,588 (4.5)-
A life built on lies - now the truth could destroy her Frankie Turner knows what it's like to be unwanted; she was brought up in care. Now as a social worker to kids in the same system, she's someone who understands ... But Frankie is hiding an unthinkable secret: one that may have its roots in the murder of a young, beautiful woman fifteen years ago. Yet the past is out there. Someone knows what Frankie is hiding - and now they're back to shatter her perfectly constructed life, terrorising her with menacing letters and silent calls to the house she shares with husband Alex. She may have reinvented herself, but Frankie's past is back to haunt her - and now, there's nowhere to run. A gripping psychological thriller that will have you hooked. Fans of Lisa Jewell and Erin Kelly won't be able to put this one down. Readers love Elena Wilkes' twisty psychological thrillers: 'Loved it. This is a really well-written book. The plot and the characters kept me glued to the pages and I finished it in just one day.' Reader Review 'A page turner that had my heart beating rapidly in my chest...From page one to the last page you were surprised with all the twists and turns.' Reader Review 'Great read. The plot kept me on the edge of my seat. The author really draws the reader into the story.' Reader Review 'A dark psychological thriller that will keep you reading long into the night...probing, sinister, and creepy, and I loved every word of it.' Reader Review 'Suspenseful and kept me guessing right up until the very end...I will definitely be recommending this one!' Reader Review 'WOW!!!!!...a creepy read that kept me on the edge of my chair and quickly reading to find out what would happen' Reader Review 'This read hooked me right in! A very well-written novel that will satisfy any reader of thrillers, mystery and suspense. There is always something happening in this book' Reader Review 'This was an amazing and suspenseful drama that kept me fascinated throughout the entire journey. The characters were engaging and believable. Can't recommend it enough!' Reader Review.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
That was so twisty and I had my smug rug pulled out from me a number of times! I love dual timeline narrations in this genre as layers are peeled back slowly through the jumps in time. Elena is excellent at creating a feeling of growing unease. Things seem smooth on the surface but you start to get an uncomfortable glimpse at that problems roiling beneath. A good murder mystery and I'll be on the look out for books from this author. ( )
  Mrs_Tapsell_Bookzone | Feb 14, 2023 |
Keep My Secrets by Elena Wilkes

Twists and turns in this gripping tale of crime, passion, and murder. Who is truly evil, slightly evil, innocent, guilty, loving, twisted…it takes quite a while to find out the truth in this story that had me guessing till the very end.

What I liked:
* Not knowing for sure who the worst of the worst truly was till nearly t he very end.
* The way the story was told. I don’t always like flipping from the past to the present but it worked well in this book.
* Frankie: tough childhood, did well for herself eventually, has secrets, deserves better…hope she finds happiness eventually.
* Martin: not perfect but a man wronged in more ways than one.
* Being able to be angry for and with some of the characters
* Feeling the story was believable
* That everything was tied up neatly at the end of the story…or mostly so.
* That the baddies were exposed and dealt with
* That nobody was “perfect”
* The positive feel at the end of the story

What I didn’t like:
* Knowing that there are evil people like the ones in the story and they too often get away with crimes they commit.
* Frankie’s tough past and how she was treated
* Mostly the injustice and callous way some treated and/or manipulated others

Did I enjoy this book? I did
Would I read more by this author? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and Hera Books for the ARC – This is my honest review

5 Stars ( )
  CathyGeha | Apr 28, 2021 |
näyttää 2/2
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A life built on lies - now the truth could destroy her Frankie Turner knows what it's like to be unwanted; she was brought up in care. Now as a social worker to kids in the same system, she's someone who understands ... But Frankie is hiding an unthinkable secret: one that may have its roots in the murder of a young, beautiful woman fifteen years ago. Yet the past is out there. Someone knows what Frankie is hiding - and now they're back to shatter her perfectly constructed life, terrorising her with menacing letters and silent calls to the house she shares with husband Alex. She may have reinvented herself, but Frankie's past is back to haunt her - and now, there's nowhere to run. A gripping psychological thriller that will have you hooked. Fans of Lisa Jewell and Erin Kelly won't be able to put this one down. Readers love Elena Wilkes' twisty psychological thrillers: 'Loved it. This is a really well-written book. The plot and the characters kept me glued to the pages and I finished it in just one day.' Reader Review 'A page turner that had my heart beating rapidly in my chest...From page one to the last page you were surprised with all the twists and turns.' Reader Review 'Great read. The plot kept me on the edge of my seat. The author really draws the reader into the story.' Reader Review 'A dark psychological thriller that will keep you reading long into the night...probing, sinister, and creepy, and I loved every word of it.' Reader Review 'Suspenseful and kept me guessing right up until the very end...I will definitely be recommending this one!' Reader Review 'WOW!!!!!...a creepy read that kept me on the edge of my chair and quickly reading to find out what would happen' Reader Review 'This read hooked me right in! A very well-written novel that will satisfy any reader of thrillers, mystery and suspense. There is always something happening in this book' Reader Review 'This was an amazing and suspenseful drama that kept me fascinated throughout the entire journey. The characters were engaging and believable. Can't recommend it enough!' Reader Review.

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