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Test Driving Linux: From Windows to Linux in 60 Seconds

Tekijä: David Brickner

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
2011,117,084 (3.75)-
For years, computer users have put up with the bugs, security holes, and viruses on Windows because they had no choice. Until recently, there has never been a good alternative to Windows. But now, Windows users can switch to Linux, the reliable, secure, and spyware free operating system. Linux is easy to use, runs on almost any PC, and enables you to perform all the tasks you can do with Windows. Getting to know Linux has never been easier, because now there's a way to test-drive Linux without changing, installing, or configuring a thing on your computer. It's called Test Dri… (lisätietoja)

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So far, this book is fantastic. I love what I've seen of Linux so far and am seriously considering partioning my hard drive so I can run Windows or Linux on my desktop. If you've ever been curious about Linux, this is the book to get! It lets you try it out without having to install it on your hard drive. To get the best use of the CD that comes with the book, use a flash drive to save data and changes on. This also makes it portable between computers. The book also has a 45 day free trial of Safari books (http://safari.oreilly.com) online. If you're a geek like me that loves reading computer books, this is geek heaven! ( )
  craftyfox | Dec 12, 2008 |
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For years, computer users have put up with the bugs, security holes, and viruses on Windows because they had no choice. Until recently, there has never been a good alternative to Windows. But now, Windows users can switch to Linux, the reliable, secure, and spyware free operating system. Linux is easy to use, runs on almost any PC, and enables you to perform all the tasks you can do with Windows. Getting to know Linux has never been easier, because now there's a way to test-drive Linux without changing, installing, or configuring a thing on your computer. It's called Test Dri

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