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The Wicked Wallflower

Tekijä: Tracy Sumner

Sarjat: Duchess Society (3)

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näyttää 5/5
This whole series has been a pleasant surprise, and I don't know why I expected less from this book. Possibly because I'm not a fan of age-gap stories, and I didn't really see how Macauley was going to melt into a puddle for a woman, but Sumner made it work.
The main thing for me is that she made Pippa such a spirited, yet level headed character, which then made it believable that she would go after what, and who she wants.
I would have liked the story to be a little longer, as I do with most these books, so the tension between the two leads can build a bit more. Also with regards to more of a buildup for the ending, but that's me being nitpicky.
My one gripe writing wise is that I felt some of the Scottish dialect wasn't used correctly, and that took me a bit out of the scenes involving Dash.

I enjoy how Sumner is building up this world, and introducing potential future leads in upcoming books. The addition of small titles for the chapters is also a plus.

Looking forward to the next one.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. ( )
  KayleeWin | Apr 19, 2023 |
Oh Pippa and Xander, I have been waiting for your story and it was everything I hoped it would be! I love how he tried so hard to stay away from her, but he just can't. He is drawn to her and to protecting her from trouble she constantly finds herself in. They have the best romance; her pining and his stubborn, holding back from her is just too good! When he finally sees Pippa from a real woman with big dreams to change the world, or at least London, he is taken aback and loves her even more for it.

The Heroine
Lady Philippa Darlington is bored. She grew up with just her brother, the Duke of Leighton, but now he was married and had children. She should be more fulfilled with family and friends surrounding her, but she was restless. She has no intention of getting married so decides to get through her first Season as a wallflower hoping no one will notice her. She wants her life to be more meaningful than to be a debutante, get married, bear children and be a wife.

The Hero
Xander Mccauley is the last of his friends to remain single and he has NO desire to fall into the Parson’s trap! He has clawed his way out of the East End rookeries and built a fortune and a name for himself. He is about to open up a new gaming hell with his friends, which is to be the crowning jewel of his many business endeavors. He has been in infatuated with Pippa for years and, when she comes to make her debut in society, he takes it upon himself to have her followed and protected from trouble.

The Steam
Their passion was a long time coming, so it made the steamy scenes even hotter. But they definitely couldn’t keep their hands off each other once they opened Pandora’s Box.

Historical Romance, Regency Era, Gaming Hell, East End London, Rake Hero, Tortured Hero, Illegitimate Hero, Best Friends Sibling, Working Class, Bluestocking Heroine, Virgin Heroine, Childhood Crush, Unrequited Love, Class Difference, Age Gap Romance, Carriage Steam, Dirty Talk ( )
  Silcottfamily | Mar 27, 2023 |
3.5 stars not quite able to round up. The first third took me an age to get through. The writing wasn't obviously poor or anything, it just did not reel me in at all and was terribly easy to set aside. Once I eventually got past that point though, I finished all the rest in just a couple sittings. I think in the first third the issue was that the hero was just SO determined to avoid the heroine and her attempts to gain his notice felt like a friend's pesky little sister. Not particularly intriguing. But, obviously stories have to start somewhere. The heroine remained less mature than I find entirely enjoyable, but part of their hurdle is their 10 year age gap, and her being such a handful, so I can see why it was the way it was. This hero is quite like his friend Tobias Streeter, who has been my favorite hero in this series, so that was a bonus for me. And there's nice steam, both in quality and quantity, lol.

I received an advance copy for reviewing purposes, and leave this honest (very late) review voluntarily. ( )
  JorgeousJotts | Feb 14, 2023 |
Rogue wallflower and gambling king!

Romance never seemed so hard. When you’ve adored your Dukely brother’s business partner forever, then making him notice you is a problem. Although he did give you an unusual birthday present a couple of years back—a bejeweled knife. Lady Phillips Darlington doesn’t want flowers, the knife however was pure joy.
All Pippa wants is a little adventure, but this smuggler from the rookeries turned business man and gambling establishment owner had her covered. This is the man who recognises that you’re trouble. Like calling to like?
Xander Macauley has had Pippa watched, guarded really, for eons.
I must admit I did enjoy the dance between this couple in Sumner’s Duchess Society series. Pippa is unusual, but then so was her upbringing. Xander was all you could want of a bad boy with hidden hurts, loyalty, and a loving heart waiting to unfurl. Some amusing scenes added enjoyment.
Looking forward to the rest of the series.

A Wolf Publication ARC via NetGalley ( )
  eyes.2c | May 23, 2022 |
The Wicked Wallflower by Tracy Sumner
The Duchess Society #5

Slipping back into this series was smooth and easy and oh so much fun!

What I liked:
* Lady Philippa Darlington: free spirit, looking for her place in life, sister of a duke, friend, difficult backstory, wants to give back, crush on Xander Macauley, assists the Duchess Society and is assisted by them, too.
* Xander Macauley: wealthy, owner of many businesses, illegitimate son of an Earl, grew up on the streets, good friend, assists the underdog, gives back to the community, rake, hedonist, trying to desperately to avoid Philippa…though there is definitely a spark between them.
* Watching the relationship between Philippa and Xander develop
* Seeing how well Xander and Philippa really know one another
* Realizing how well suited the two are for one another
* How well the couple communicated
* Catching up with the couples in previous books of the series
* Being introduced to the characters that will be in the next two books…looking forward to both books (Dash, Theodosia, Oliver, and “the gardener”
* Reading about Cassiopeia in this book and realizing that the book just read also referred to that heavenly body and the mythology surrounding it – both books were historical romances – made me wonder if the universe sends out hints to authors that are picked up by more than one at the same time
* The writing, plot, pacing, people, and all the rest
* All of it really except…

What I didn’t like:
* Thinking about how tough it was and had been for more than one character in this book
* Having to wait for the next book in the series

Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely!
NOTE: Stayed up till 1:30aam reading in spite of an electricity cut knowing I had to get up early in the morning…couldn’t put it down!

Thank you to the author and WOLF Publishing for the ARC – this is my honest review.

5 Stars ( )
  CathyGeha | Apr 13, 2022 |
näyttää 5/5
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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