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Under a Dark Cloud

Tekijä: Louisa Scarr

Sarjat: Butler & West (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1411,465,586 (4.75)-
Fiction. Mystery. One dead body. One witness. One answer. Early one morning, DS Robin Butler is summoned to a crime scene. Not as a policeman, but as best friend to renowned meteorologist, Dr Finn Mason. The morning after studying an enormous storm, Finn has locked himself in a van. Bloodied, confused, and with no memory of how he came to be there. And alongside him ?? a dead body. Butler sets out to prove Finn's innocence, his friend now accused of murder. Meanwhile, DC Freya West is struggling to cope. She has been plagued by nightmares since the events of nine months ago. Freya assists her boss on his quest to clear Finn's name, but while Butler becomes increasingly desperate to help his boyhood friend, Freya is crumbling under the weight of the secrets she is keeping. As the past threatens to consume them both, do both detectives stand to lose more than they can bear? A tense and atmospheric police procedural from the author of the unforgettable Last Place You Look. Praise for Under a Dark Cloud 'A great and unique locked room mystery that had me guessing all the way through to a fantastic ending. Under a Dark Cloud is full of drama, mystery and tension. One of my favourite series around.' James Delargy 'A coiled and wholly satisfying mystery, elevated by melancholic piquancy. The authentic police thrills and teasing dynamics of the characters are handled with the same elegance as the rueful climax, which long after the book is closed still feels perfect and inevitable.' Dominic Nolan 'Once again Louisa Scarr has created a thoroughly believable world in which to set a brilliantly compulsive story. The characters are so well-drawn that it's a pleasure to spend time with them, and I can't wait for number three!' Alison Belsham 'Characters I care about, inventive plot and expert storytelling ??a big thumbs up from me.' Fliss Chester 'A fast-paced and deft meteorological mystery that twists its way to a brilliant conclusion. Scarr's characters are beautifully realised, flawed and complex ?? their stories make the quiet moments every bit as rewarding as the dramatic ones. If you haven't already read Butler & West, you're in for a treat...' Heather Critchlow 'A must read for fans of U.K. Crime Fiction. A fast paced addictive story. A locked room murder with an original twist' NetGalley review ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'The plot is original, superbly woven and the cast of characters is made up of well developed and engaging individuals. Overall, a captivating, suspenseful and atmospheric page-turner with more than enough going on to keep you invested. Highly recommended.' NetGalley Review 'I absolutely loved this!' NetGalley Review 'I read this very happily in two sessions and am await more in the series. Well worth reading!' NetGalley Review 'Great premise. Well written. A page turner. Plenty of suspense to keep me guessing .The ending leaving everything tied up left me satisfied. Definitely will read her next offe… (lisätietoja)

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Another enjoyable instalment. The Finn/murder in the van storyline was strong, and I liked the personal threads with Robin and Liv, Robin and Freya, Freya and Josh etc. The weakest element for me was the murder Josh was in charge of investigating - I kept forgetting all about it, and found it a dull distraction from what seemed to be the main story. ( )
  pgchuis | Oct 20, 2022 |
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Fiction. Mystery. One dead body. One witness. One answer. Early one morning, DS Robin Butler is summoned to a crime scene. Not as a policeman, but as best friend to renowned meteorologist, Dr Finn Mason. The morning after studying an enormous storm, Finn has locked himself in a van. Bloodied, confused, and with no memory of how he came to be there. And alongside him ?? a dead body. Butler sets out to prove Finn's innocence, his friend now accused of murder. Meanwhile, DC Freya West is struggling to cope. She has been plagued by nightmares since the events of nine months ago. Freya assists her boss on his quest to clear Finn's name, but while Butler becomes increasingly desperate to help his boyhood friend, Freya is crumbling under the weight of the secrets she is keeping. As the past threatens to consume them both, do both detectives stand to lose more than they can bear? A tense and atmospheric police procedural from the author of the unforgettable Last Place You Look. Praise for Under a Dark Cloud 'A great and unique locked room mystery that had me guessing all the way through to a fantastic ending. Under a Dark Cloud is full of drama, mystery and tension. One of my favourite series around.' James Delargy 'A coiled and wholly satisfying mystery, elevated by melancholic piquancy. The authentic police thrills and teasing dynamics of the characters are handled with the same elegance as the rueful climax, which long after the book is closed still feels perfect and inevitable.' Dominic Nolan 'Once again Louisa Scarr has created a thoroughly believable world in which to set a brilliantly compulsive story. The characters are so well-drawn that it's a pleasure to spend time with them, and I can't wait for number three!' Alison Belsham 'Characters I care about, inventive plot and expert storytelling ??a big thumbs up from me.' Fliss Chester 'A fast-paced and deft meteorological mystery that twists its way to a brilliant conclusion. Scarr's characters are beautifully realised, flawed and complex ?? their stories make the quiet moments every bit as rewarding as the dramatic ones. If you haven't already read Butler & West, you're in for a treat...' Heather Critchlow 'A must read for fans of U.K. Crime Fiction. A fast paced addictive story. A locked room murder with an original twist' NetGalley review ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'The plot is original, superbly woven and the cast of characters is made up of well developed and engaging individuals. Overall, a captivating, suspenseful and atmospheric page-turner with more than enough going on to keep you invested. Highly recommended.' NetGalley Review 'I absolutely loved this!' NetGalley Review 'I read this very happily in two sessions and am await more in the series. Well worth reading!' NetGalley Review 'Great premise. Well written. A page turner. Plenty of suspense to keep me guessing .The ending leaving everything tied up left me satisfied. Definitely will read her next offe

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