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On Gallows Down: Place, Protest and Belonging

Tekijä: Nicola Chester

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1311,535,757 (3.88)6
"It's ever so good. Political, passionate & personal."--Robert Macfarlane (via Twitter), author of Underland Part nature writing, part memoir, On Gallows Down is an essential, unforgettable read for fans of Helen Macdonald, Terry Tempest Williams, and Robin Wall Kimmerer. "I couldn't put it down! A must read!"--Dara McAnulty (via Twitter), author of Diary of a Young Naturalist Nicola Chester won the BBC Wildlife Magazine's Nature Writer of the Year Award - this is her first book. On Gallows Down is a powerful, personal story shaped by a landscape; one that ripples and undulates with protest, change, hope - and the search for home. From the girl catching the eye of the "peace women" of Greenham Common to the young woman protesting the loss of ancient and beloved trees, and as a mother raising a family in a farm cottage in the shadow of grand, country estates, this is the story of how Nicola Chester came to write - as a means of protest. The story of how she discovered the rich seam of resistance that runs through her village of Newbury and its people - from the English Civil War to the Swing Riots and the battle against the Newbury Bypass. And the story of the hope she finds in the rewilding of Greenham Common after the military left, the stories told by the landscapes of Watership Down, the gallows perched high on Inkpen Beacon and Highclere Castle (the setting of Downtown Abbey). Nature is indelibly linked to belonging for Nicola. She charts her story through the walks she takes with her children across the chalk hills of the North Wessex Downs, though the song of the nightingale and the red kites, fieldfares, skylarks and lapwings that accompany her; the badger cubs she watches at night; the velvety mole she discovers in her garden and the cuckoo, whose return she awaits. On Gallows Down tells of how Nicola came to realize that it is she who can decide where she belongs, for home is a place in nature and imagination, which must be protected through words and actions. "We are writing for our very lives and for those wild lives we share this one, lonely planet with."--Nicola Chester… (lisätietoja)

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Nicola Chester has lived her whole life in homes within 15 miles of each other, in Berkshire. This area has had a history of rebellion by the under-represented. John Clare wrote his poetry here. The Civil War had bitter battles here Tenants throughout the centuries rebelled against their landowner masters. It's where Greenham Common, site of the women's peace camps, and Newbury Bypass, a much fought-over project which destroyed so much natural and rural history when against the odds, it was built are sited near her homes. Chester has been a tenant all her life, and understands powerlessness. She also understands the natural world, and deepening her understanding of it, spending time in it with her family, particularly her children, is her salvation. Her battles change to doing her part to save the natural world. She has her nature writing accepted by the RSPB, the Guardian, her local paper, and this becomes part of her fight. She writes with lyricism and passion, describing the seasons, the creatures that form part of her day-to-day environment with incisive, poetic words and concludes 'Anyone could make a place their home by engaging with its nature'. A book to read slowly, and to savour. ( )
  Margaret09 | Apr 15, 2024 |
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"It's ever so good. Political, passionate & personal."--Robert Macfarlane (via Twitter), author of Underland Part nature writing, part memoir, On Gallows Down is an essential, unforgettable read for fans of Helen Macdonald, Terry Tempest Williams, and Robin Wall Kimmerer. "I couldn't put it down! A must read!"--Dara McAnulty (via Twitter), author of Diary of a Young Naturalist Nicola Chester won the BBC Wildlife Magazine's Nature Writer of the Year Award - this is her first book. On Gallows Down is a powerful, personal story shaped by a landscape; one that ripples and undulates with protest, change, hope - and the search for home. From the girl catching the eye of the "peace women" of Greenham Common to the young woman protesting the loss of ancient and beloved trees, and as a mother raising a family in a farm cottage in the shadow of grand, country estates, this is the story of how Nicola Chester came to write - as a means of protest. The story of how she discovered the rich seam of resistance that runs through her village of Newbury and its people - from the English Civil War to the Swing Riots and the battle against the Newbury Bypass. And the story of the hope she finds in the rewilding of Greenham Common after the military left, the stories told by the landscapes of Watership Down, the gallows perched high on Inkpen Beacon and Highclere Castle (the setting of Downtown Abbey). Nature is indelibly linked to belonging for Nicola. She charts her story through the walks she takes with her children across the chalk hills of the North Wessex Downs, though the song of the nightingale and the red kites, fieldfares, skylarks and lapwings that accompany her; the badger cubs she watches at night; the velvety mole she discovers in her garden and the cuckoo, whose return she awaits. On Gallows Down tells of how Nicola came to realize that it is she who can decide where she belongs, for home is a place in nature and imagination, which must be protected through words and actions. "We are writing for our very lives and for those wild lives we share this one, lonely planet with."--Nicola Chester

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