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Unforgettable in Love

Tekijä: Bella Andre

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1911,160,262 (2.75)-
Lyssa Spencer is the apple of the Maverick Billionaire's eyes, the sister they adore and vow to protect. But Lyssa isn't a little girl anymore, and she wishes they could see she's a grown woman who is perfectly able to take care of herself. Thankfully, her new boss, Cal Danniger, certainly appreciates and respects her abilities. And she appreciates Cal...in every way possible. Yet she can't imagine he'd ever consider dating her, not when her brothers would rip him limb from limb if he so much as looked at her the wrong way. But boy, does she ever want him to look at her exactly that way. The Mavericks are Cal Danniger's best friends, as well as his business partners. So when they ask him to watch over Lyssa by giving her a job in the San Francisco Bay Area, of course he agrees. While she impresses him with how smart, dependable, hard-working, and dedicated she is, he's not at all prepared for the sizzling attraction that takes everything in him to try to fight. After a passionate and unforgettable night in London that neither can resist, Cal vows never to let it happen again. But he can't stop thinking about her...or wanting her. Between a secret Lyssa is keeping from him, and with the Maverick Billionaires hellbent on protecting her at all costs, do they have any chance of finding a future together? UNFORGETTABLE IN LOVE is part of Bella Andre and Jennifer Skully's bestselling series about The Maverick Billionaires. While it can easily be read as a standalone story, you'll likely enjoy reading the other books too. THE MAVERICK BILLIONAIRES SERIES Breathless In Love Reckless In Love Fearless In Love Irresistible In Love Wild In Love Captivating In Love Unforgettable In Love *** More Maverick Billionaires are coming soon! *** AUTHOR BIOGRAPHIES Bella Andre is the New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of "The Sullivans", "The Maverick Billionaires" and the "Married in Malibu" series. Her novels have been #1 bestsellers around the world and she has sold more than 9 million books so far! Known for "sensual, empowered stories enveloped in heady romance" (Publishers Weekly), her books have been Cosmopolitan Magazine "Red Hot Reads" twice and have been translated into ten languages. There are more than 50,000 5 star reviews for Bella Andre's books on Goodreads! NY Times and USA Today bestselling Jennifer Skully/Jasmine Haynes is the author of classy romance, hilarious romantic mysteries, and the Max Starr paranormal suspense series. Her books have passion, heart, humor, and happy endings. Jennifer lives in the Redwoods of Northern California with her husband and their adorable nuisance of a cat, who obviously runs the household.… (lisätietoja)

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I don't know if the fact that I haven't read this series in two years is affecting how I feel about it, but I wasn't a big fan of this. I actually did enjoy the initial falling for each other that happened in London between Lyssa and Cal, but the rest of it went more overboard along with the unplanned pregnancy. I think the goal was to prove that Lyssa was way more mature about everything than Cal was, even though he was twenty years older; it all just made me annoyed for some reason. ( )
  spinsterrevival | Apr 14, 2022 |
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Lyssa Spencer is the apple of the Maverick Billionaire's eyes, the sister they adore and vow to protect. But Lyssa isn't a little girl anymore, and she wishes they could see she's a grown woman who is perfectly able to take care of herself. Thankfully, her new boss, Cal Danniger, certainly appreciates and respects her abilities. And she appreciates Cal...in every way possible. Yet she can't imagine he'd ever consider dating her, not when her brothers would rip him limb from limb if he so much as looked at her the wrong way. But boy, does she ever want him to look at her exactly that way. The Mavericks are Cal Danniger's best friends, as well as his business partners. So when they ask him to watch over Lyssa by giving her a job in the San Francisco Bay Area, of course he agrees. While she impresses him with how smart, dependable, hard-working, and dedicated she is, he's not at all prepared for the sizzling attraction that takes everything in him to try to fight. After a passionate and unforgettable night in London that neither can resist, Cal vows never to let it happen again. But he can't stop thinking about her...or wanting her. Between a secret Lyssa is keeping from him, and with the Maverick Billionaires hellbent on protecting her at all costs, do they have any chance of finding a future together? UNFORGETTABLE IN LOVE is part of Bella Andre and Jennifer Skully's bestselling series about The Maverick Billionaires. While it can easily be read as a standalone story, you'll likely enjoy reading the other books too. THE MAVERICK BILLIONAIRES SERIES Breathless In Love Reckless In Love Fearless In Love Irresistible In Love Wild In Love Captivating In Love Unforgettable In Love *** More Maverick Billionaires are coming soon! *** AUTHOR BIOGRAPHIES Bella Andre is the New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of "The Sullivans", "The Maverick Billionaires" and the "Married in Malibu" series. Her novels have been #1 bestsellers around the world and she has sold more than 9 million books so far! Known for "sensual, empowered stories enveloped in heady romance" (Publishers Weekly), her books have been Cosmopolitan Magazine "Red Hot Reads" twice and have been translated into ten languages. There are more than 50,000 5 star reviews for Bella Andre's books on Goodreads! NY Times and USA Today bestselling Jennifer Skully/Jasmine Haynes is the author of classy romance, hilarious romantic mysteries, and the Max Starr paranormal suspense series. Her books have passion, heart, humor, and happy endings. Jennifer lives in the Redwoods of Northern California with her husband and their adorable nuisance of a cat, who obviously runs the household.

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