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The Anatomy of Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming the Body's Fear Response

Tekijä: Ellen Vora

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
641415,385 (3.93)-
Psychology. Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:

From acclaimed psychiatrist Dr. Ellen Vora comes a groundbreaking understanding of how anxiety manifests in the body and mindâ??and what we can do to overcome it.

Anxiety affects more than forty million Americansâ??a number that continues to climb in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. While conventional medicine tends to view anxiety as a "neck-up" problemâ??that is, one of brain chemistry and psychologyâ??the truth is that the origins of anxiety are rooted in the body.

In The Anatomy of Anxiety, holistic psychiatrist Dr. Ellen Vora offers nothing less than a paradigm shift in our understanding of anxiety and mental health, suggesting that anxiety is not simply a brain disorder but a whole-body condition. In her clinical work, Dr. Vora has found time and again that the symptoms of anxiety can often be traced to imbalances in the body. The emotional and physical discomfort we experienceâ??sleeplessness, brain fog, stomach pain, jittersâ??is a result of the body's stress response. This physiological state can be triggered by challenging experiences as well as seemingly innocuous factors, such as diet and use of technology.

The good news is that this body-based anxiety, or, as Dr. Vora terms it, "false anxiety," is easily treated. Once the body's needs are addressed, Dr. Vora reframes any remaining symptoms not as a disorder but rather as an urgent plea from within. This "true anxiety" is a signal that something else is out of balanceâ??in our lives, in our relationships, in the world. True anxiety serves as our inner compass, helping us recalibrate when we're feeling lost.

Practical, informative, and deeply hopeful, The Anatomy of Anxiety is the first book to fully explain the origins of anxiety and offer a detailed road map for hea… (lisätietoja)


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I thought this book was great. It touches on western medicine but also hollistic practices, natural remedies and the upcoming therapies involving psycheldics.

As someone who battled her life life with anxiety/stress/trauma - despite trying everything, it was psilocybin that eventually freed me from my prison and transformed my life. I no longer have anxiety and ties to previous trauma, but I read this as my children have generalised anxiety disorder and I want to find ways to help them that don't involve mushrooms. ( )
  spiritedstardust | Dec 29, 2022 |
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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O'Neill, JoanneKannen suunnittelijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
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Psychology. Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:

From acclaimed psychiatrist Dr. Ellen Vora comes a groundbreaking understanding of how anxiety manifests in the body and mindâ??and what we can do to overcome it.

Anxiety affects more than forty million Americansâ??a number that continues to climb in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. While conventional medicine tends to view anxiety as a "neck-up" problemâ??that is, one of brain chemistry and psychologyâ??the truth is that the origins of anxiety are rooted in the body.

In The Anatomy of Anxiety, holistic psychiatrist Dr. Ellen Vora offers nothing less than a paradigm shift in our understanding of anxiety and mental health, suggesting that anxiety is not simply a brain disorder but a whole-body condition. In her clinical work, Dr. Vora has found time and again that the symptoms of anxiety can often be traced to imbalances in the body. The emotional and physical discomfort we experienceâ??sleeplessness, brain fog, stomach pain, jittersâ??is a result of the body's stress response. This physiological state can be triggered by challenging experiences as well as seemingly innocuous factors, such as diet and use of technology.

The good news is that this body-based anxiety, or, as Dr. Vora terms it, "false anxiety," is easily treated. Once the body's needs are addressed, Dr. Vora reframes any remaining symptoms not as a disorder but rather as an urgent plea from within. This "true anxiety" is a signal that something else is out of balanceâ??in our lives, in our relationships, in the world. True anxiety serves as our inner compass, helping us recalibrate when we're feeling lost.

Practical, informative, and deeply hopeful, The Anatomy of Anxiety is the first book to fully explain the origins of anxiety and offer a detailed road map for hea

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