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Final Table: A Novel

Tekijä: Dan Schorr

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
912,003,524 (4)-
A political thriller about sexual misconduct in the #MeToo era, one victim's battle to survive and overcome trauma, and the cable news machine that feeds off titillating scandal coverage and inflammatory confrontation, Final Table draws upon Dan Schorr's firsthand experience as a New York sex crimes prosecutor and sexual misconduct investigator to tackle the worlds of political and media dysfunction.  Former White House staffer Maggie Raster is struggling to build her own consulting firm and overcome a recent sexual assault by an ex-boss. Kyler Dawson, a broke former poker champion, desperately needs to gain entry into a controversial but potentially very lucrative international poker tournament. The host nation faces widespread condemnation for the recent murder of a prominent female US journalist, and a pending presidential executive order threatens to prohibit him and others from participating.  Maggie's chaotic first attempt to promote her new business as a television political analyst brings her to Kyler's attention, and convinces him that her political smarts and connections can provide the help he needs. When he approaches her for assistance, she must decide whether to agree--in return for a portion of the potential $20 million prize. To succeed, she will have to confront significant adversity--personal and political, foreign and domestic--including mounting pressure to publicly address the misconduct of her former boss. Kyler also has his own obstacles and upsetting past to overcome, but if they each can outmaneuver their daunting challenges, he might win the tournament--and earn them both a fortune.… (lisätietoja)

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This fast paced political novel mirrors many things that are currently going on in the world.
- the 'me-too' movement and discrimination against women
-The fast paced news cycle that keeps churning out scandal and confrontation
-Social media and the negative effects it can have on people's lives

The main characters
-Maggie, a former White House staffer is trying to start her own consulting firm. She is dealing with a forced sexual encounter with a member of the White House staff.
-Kylar, a US poker champion who has been invited to join a tournament in the Kingdom for a rich payout. He is down and out and wants to hire Maggie to help him with the publicity and social media so he can concentrate on his game. If he wins, it will be a big payoff for both Kylar and Maggie.
-A slain news reporter and the ambassador from Canada whose paths crossed in the Kingdom. She is killed because of an article she was working on and he is in terror of them finding out that he helped her.

Added to all of this, there is coverage on the news stations and a taste of facebook and how it becomes negative when people are down.

Political intrigue isn't usually my favorite genre but this book is so well written and reflects so much of modern life, that I enjoyed every minute of it. This is a debut novel by Dan Schorr and I am anxious to read whatever he writes next.

There is a lot of poker terminology in this novel that I totally didn't understand. It didn't lessen the political intrigue and the fast pace of the novel.

Thanks to the publisher for a copy of this book to read and review. ( )
  susan0316 | Nov 27, 2021 |
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


A political thriller about sexual misconduct in the #MeToo era, one victim's battle to survive and overcome trauma, and the cable news machine that feeds off titillating scandal coverage and inflammatory confrontation, Final Table draws upon Dan Schorr's firsthand experience as a New York sex crimes prosecutor and sexual misconduct investigator to tackle the worlds of political and media dysfunction.  Former White House staffer Maggie Raster is struggling to build her own consulting firm and overcome a recent sexual assault by an ex-boss. Kyler Dawson, a broke former poker champion, desperately needs to gain entry into a controversial but potentially very lucrative international poker tournament. The host nation faces widespread condemnation for the recent murder of a prominent female US journalist, and a pending presidential executive order threatens to prohibit him and others from participating.  Maggie's chaotic first attempt to promote her new business as a television political analyst brings her to Kyler's attention, and convinces him that her political smarts and connections can provide the help he needs. When he approaches her for assistance, she must decide whether to agree--in return for a portion of the potential $20 million prize. To succeed, she will have to confront significant adversity--personal and political, foreign and domestic--including mounting pressure to publicly address the misconduct of her former boss. Kyler also has his own obstacles and upsetting past to overcome, but if they each can outmaneuver their daunting challenges, he might win the tournament--and earn them both a fortune.

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