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The Science of Song: How and Why We Make Music

Tekijä: Alan Cross

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
"Music is an outlet for self-expression. It has the power to influence your feelings, connect you to others and break down barriers ... And believe it or not, it's science -- a LOT of science! The tunes that move us are a blend of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, plus passion and emotion. In this book, you'll find out when humans began making music, the early history of recording and playing back, how things we use every day like headphones and streaming services were created, and what's in store for the future of music technology. Along the way, you'll be introduced to playlists featuring must-listen songs and a look at the psychology of music, including why you like the music you like and why you can't get some songs out of your head. A fresh, engaging and relevant look at an art form that we all love."--… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
Note: I accessed a digital review copy of this book through Edelweiss.
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
This nonfiction book concentrates on the last hundred years, especially recent technological advances, and our understanding of the physics and psychology of creating, appreciating, preserving and reproducing sounds and music. Lavishly illustrated in soft pastels and a variety of type sizes, it is nicely laid out for reading and browsing. Eighteen of the nineteen two-page chapters end with a suggested playlist of three easily-found pieces of music to reinforce the chapter concepts. Although a short children’s book, I spent a couple of pleasant hours listening to the music links between the chapters. The text wavers between vocabulary and concepts appropriate to the grade 3-7 audience the publisher recommends and the higher grades I recommend. The book has a timeline, glossary, and selected sources which reinforce the text, and an index. The Canadian authors also happily pepper the book with Canadian references. Recommended for lovers of music, history, and science.
Reviewed by Paul Laverdure
Edited by Thien Sa Hoang
  ThienSa | Nov 5, 2021 |
näyttää 2/2
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Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"Music is an outlet for self-expression. It has the power to influence your feelings, connect you to others and break down barriers ... And believe it or not, it's science -- a LOT of science! The tunes that move us are a blend of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, plus passion and emotion. In this book, you'll find out when humans began making music, the early history of recording and playing back, how things we use every day like headphones and streaming services were created, and what's in store for the future of music technology. Along the way, you'll be introduced to playlists featuring must-listen songs and a look at the psychology of music, including why you like the music you like and why you can't get some songs out of your head. A fresh, engaging and relevant look at an art form that we all love."--

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