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Like a House on Fire

Tekijä: Lauren McBrayer

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
824330,581 (4)-
A JULY 2022 BELLETRIST BOOK CLUB PICK What would you do if you found the spark that made you feel whole again? After twelve years of marriage and two kids, Merit has begun to feel like a stranger in her own life. She loves her husband and sons, but she desperately needs something more than sippy cups and monthly sex. So, she returns to her career at Jager + Brandt, where a brilliant and beautiful Danish architect named Jane decides to overlook the "break" in Merit's résumé and give her a shot. Jane is a supernova--witty and dazzling and unapologetically herself--and as the two work closely together, their relationship becomes a true friendship. In Jane, Merit sees the possibility of what a woman could be. And Jane sees Merit exactly for who she is. Not the wife and mother dutifully performing the roles expected of her, but a whole person. Their relationship quickly becomes a cornerstone in Merit's life. And as Merit starts to open her mind to the idea of more--more of a partner, more of a match, more out of love--she begins to question: What if the love of her life isn't the man she married. What if it's Jane?… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 4/4
I will never be a fan of the cheating trope, but I thought McBrayer did about as well as someone could writing it without demonizing everyone involved. Her writing was very good, but I wish there was more character growth for the main character and a better ending that detailed how it came about. Still, overall an enjoyable read. ( )
  DominiqueDavis | Aug 9, 2022 |
Merit is returning to her architectural career after years of feeling unfulfilled as a wife and stay-at-home mom. She’s dazzled by her new boss, Jane, and the two women soon develop a deep friendship. For the first time in many years, Merit feels seen. As Merit and Jane’s relationship grows, Merit starts to question everything she’s built her life upon.

There are a lot of complex issues, moral ambiguity and, a lot of feelings wrapped up in this little gem; The writing in this book is incredible – raw, witty, emotional, and REAL. The intensity of those feelings and the thoughts they provoke are what make “Like a House on Fire” a standout read.

Thank you Penguin Random House and NetGalley for the chance to read and review Lauren McBrayer's Like a House on Fire.
  chasingholden | Apr 26, 2022 |
Merit is returning to her architectural career after years of feeling unfulfilled as a wife and stay-at-home mom. She’s dazzled by her new boss, Jane, and the two women soon develop a deep friendship. For the first time in many years, Merit feels seen. As Merit and Jane’s relationship grows, Merit starts to question everything she’s built her life upon.

There are a lot of complex issues, moral ambiguity and, a lot of feelings wrapped up in this little gem; The writing in this book is incredible – raw, witty, emotional, and REAL. The intensity of those feelings and the thoughts they provoke are what make “Like a House on Fire” a standout read.

Thank you Penguin Random House and NetGalley for the chance to read and review Lauren McBrayer's Like a House on Fire. ( )
  chasingholden | Apr 26, 2022 |
A compelling story of love and careers and friendship and marriage and how messy and complicated humans can be. Excellent. ( )
  ablachly | Sep 17, 2021 |
näyttää 4/4
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
I did think, let's go about this slowly. / That is important. This should take / some really deep thought. We should take / small thoughtful steps. / But, bless us / we didn't. -Mary Oliver, "I Did Think, Let's Go About This Slowly"
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Later they would argue about who say the other first.
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


A JULY 2022 BELLETRIST BOOK CLUB PICK What would you do if you found the spark that made you feel whole again? After twelve years of marriage and two kids, Merit has begun to feel like a stranger in her own life. She loves her husband and sons, but she desperately needs something more than sippy cups and monthly sex. So, she returns to her career at Jager + Brandt, where a brilliant and beautiful Danish architect named Jane decides to overlook the "break" in Merit's résumé and give her a shot. Jane is a supernova--witty and dazzling and unapologetically herself--and as the two work closely together, their relationship becomes a true friendship. In Jane, Merit sees the possibility of what a woman could be. And Jane sees Merit exactly for who she is. Not the wife and mother dutifully performing the roles expected of her, but a whole person. Their relationship quickly becomes a cornerstone in Merit's life. And as Merit starts to open her mind to the idea of more--more of a partner, more of a match, more out of love--she begins to question: What if the love of her life isn't the man she married. What if it's Jane?

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