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Ki in Daily Life

Tekijä: Koichi Tohei

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1384200,455 (3.96)-
Technology today touches nearly every part of our lives. Through even more impressive development of machines, the process continues. Computers put men out of work; pushing a single button is enough to start a nuclear war. Gradually, though, the world has begun to remember that it is man for whom the machines must work, and not the other way around. We recognize now that science, for all its achievements, has done little to help us understand ourselves or realize our potential. There is no sense in waiting for science to do it for us. Each of us must now take it upon himself to understand his true nature and strength. The Chinese classic "Saikontan" says that we stand like beggars at the gate, forgetting the infinite power given us by the universe. Instead of shrinking from this potential, we should be thankful for it. we should strive to manifest it and help others to do the same. The author regards his Four Basic Principles to Unify Mind and Body as having been given to him by the universe to spread the way of the universe. There have been many who have grasped unification of mind and body. Very few, however, could teach it. Fewer still could teach how to teach it. Those who learn the four basic principles as explained in this book have come to understand not only how to unify their own minds and bodies, but also how to teach it to others. The author, founder of the Ki Society International, presents the philosophical groundwork and specific disciplines by which the individual may attune himself or herself with the hi-life energy of the universe and thrive in health and harmony, without fatigue or depression.… (lisätietoja)

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(from Dust Jacket)

Everyone should realize the natural abilities we all have that enable us to pass successfully through this life, but unfortunately there are too many people who continue aimlessly along overshadowed psychologically and physically because they are not aware of their own abilities. Such people are a great minus of course from their own viewpoint of society as well.

The principles of Ki lie in bringing to light man's natural strength and his hidden natural abiliities.

The author's earlier works, in which he introduced the principles of Ki and aikido with mind and body coordinated, met with great response in many countires, and created a demand for a still more detailed explanation of what Ki really means. The present work is an answer to that demand.

In the first section, while delving deeply into the principles of Ki, the author gives a number of practical examples which anyone an easily follow. These examples are straight to that point, concrete and avoid abstractions such as how much power is there in the spirit and the nature of feeling. The author's point is to have the reader learn the proper method of mastering the spirit and to have the spirit pervade the reader's body so that he will be able to grasp the basic meanings of Ki.

In part two of the book, the author gives detailed and concrete examples of how to apply the principles of aikido to our daily lives. The author's wishes that not only those who are in positions of leadership but also those who have physical or spiritual problems, or who do not fully realize their own abilities and strength, will learn the full meaning of Ki. He also wished that those who have learned the prinviples of ki will instill them in theri hearts and help those arokund them walk a brighter and happier path.

Koichi Tohei was born in 1920 and graduated in 1942 from the economics department of Keio University. While a student, he engaged in judo training, but later entered aikido. Today he is a ninth dan aikido master and is chief instructor at the Aikido Headquarters. He has already made four trips (1953, 1955, 1957, 1961, and 1964-65) around the United States popularizing aikido. In addition to the present work, Mr. Tohei has also published Aikido, the arts of self defense, and What is Aikido?


Part One: The Principles of Ki
Chapter 1 Human Life
Chapter 2 The Value of Our Existence
Chapter 3 Unification of the Body and the Spirit
Chapter 4 Breathing--the Misogi Breathing Method; The Breathing Method Used in
Aikido; The Breathing Method that Transcends Breathing
Chapter 5 The Four Basic Principles to Unify Mind and Body
Mind Moves Body--Two Fingertips Naturally Joined; The Unbreakable Circle;
The Unbreakable Arm; The Human Bridge
Keep One Point--Pushing the Left Shoulder; Keeping the Spot in the Forehead and the
One Point in the Lower Abdomen Aligned; Concentrating on the One Point in the
Lower Abdomen Only; Forgetting the One Point in the Lower Abdomen and
Concentrating on the Forehead; Sitting in Living Calmness; Sitting in Dead Calmness
Relax Completely--Both Hands Pulled Down; Relaxation with and without One Point
Keep Weight Underside--The Heavy Arm; The Unraisable face; The Weight in the
Lowest Part of the Arm
Extend Ki
Chapter 6 Coordinating of Mind and Body in Daily Life--The Unbendable Arm; The Opponent
Pushes You Back by the Wrist; Standing on One Leg; Standing with Both Hands Raised;
Stooping; Bending Backward; A Leaning on B; Rowing Exercise; Being Pushed from
Behind; Swinging the Arms; Changing Directions
Chapter 7 Ki Breathing Methods
Chapter 8 The Divine Spirit
Chapter 9 The Spirit of Love and Protection for All Things

Part Two: The Way of Life According to the Principles of Ki
Chapter 10 Getting Up
Chapter 11 Sleeping
Chapter 12 The Subconscious
Chapter 13 The Simple Way
Chapter 14 Eating
Chapter 15 Our Faces, Our Eyes, and the Way We Speak
Chapter 16 The Principle of Non-dissension
Chapter 17 The Unity of Calm and Action
Chapter 18 Rules for Disciplinants--Be Candid; Persevere; Differences in Techniques and
Teaching Methods; Be Both Pupil and Instructor
Chapter 19 Rules for Instructors--Growing Together; An Instructor Must be Modest;
Pupils are the Teacher's Mirror; Right not Might; Attitude not Seniority Makes an
Instructor; Be Fair and Impartial; Instructors Must Work Together
Appendix; Thirteen Rules for Aikido Instructors
  AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
Very useful as supporting material for Ki Aikido practitioners, and provides a much better understanding of Koichi Tohei's concepts. ( )
  xerocrypt | Jan 27, 2015 |
I have studied martial arts for 3 decades. And I find this book very useful.My art is Matsubayashi Ryu. Ki applies to all of the arts and life in general. I have found that these excercises in this book to be a benefit to my health and my karate. This book is the best explanation of KI I have ever read. ( )
1 ääni hermit | Nov 18, 2007 |
näyttää 4/4
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Technology today touches nearly every part of our lives. Through even more impressive development of machines, the process continues. Computers put men out of work; pushing a single button is enough to start a nuclear war. Gradually, though, the world has begun to remember that it is man for whom the machines must work, and not the other way around. We recognize now that science, for all its achievements, has done little to help us understand ourselves or realize our potential. There is no sense in waiting for science to do it for us. Each of us must now take it upon himself to understand his true nature and strength. The Chinese classic "Saikontan" says that we stand like beggars at the gate, forgetting the infinite power given us by the universe. Instead of shrinking from this potential, we should be thankful for it. we should strive to manifest it and help others to do the same. The author regards his Four Basic Principles to Unify Mind and Body as having been given to him by the universe to spread the way of the universe. There have been many who have grasped unification of mind and body. Very few, however, could teach it. Fewer still could teach how to teach it. Those who learn the four basic principles as explained in this book have come to understand not only how to unify their own minds and bodies, but also how to teach it to others. The author, founder of the Ki Society International, presents the philosophical groundwork and specific disciplines by which the individual may attune himself or herself with the hi-life energy of the universe and thrive in health and harmony, without fatigue or depression.

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