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American Kleptocracy: How the U.S. Created the World's Greatest Money Laundering Scheme in History

Tekijä: Casey Michel

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
522498,841 (4.06)2
"A remarkable debut by one of America's premier young reporters on financial corruption, Casey Michel's American Kleptocracy offers the first explosive investigation into how the United States of America built the largest illicit offshore finance system the world has ever known. "An indefatigable young American journalist who has virtually cornered the international kleptocracy beat on the US end of the black aquifer." -The Los Angeles Review of Books For years, one country has acted as the greatest offshore haven in the world, attracting hundreds of billions of dollars in illicit finance tied directly to corrupt regimes, extremist networks, and the worst the world has to offer. But it hasn't been the sand-splattered Caribbean islands, or even traditional financial secrecy havens like Switzerland or Panama, that have come to dominate the offshoring world. Instead, the country profiting the most also happens to be the one that still claims to be the moral leader of the free world, and the one that claims to be leading the fight against the crooked and the corrupt: the USA. American Kleptocracy examines just how the United States' implosion into a center of global offshoring took place: how states like Delaware and Nevada perfected the art of the anonymous shell company, and how post-9/11 reformers watched their success usher in a new flood of illicit finance directly into the U.S.; how African despots and post-Soviet oligarchs came to dominate American coastlines, American industries, and entire cities and small towns across the American Midwest; how Nazi-era lobbyists birthed an entire industry of spin-men whitewashing trans-national crooks and despots, and how dirty money has now begun infiltrating America's universities and think tanks and cultural centers; and how those on the front-line are trying to restore America's legacy of anti-corruption leadership-and finally end this reign of American kleptocracy"--… (lisätietoja)

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The calls are coming from inside the house :( ( )
  wolfe.myles | Feb 28, 2023 |
When people think of off-shore money havens, they usually think of places like the Caymans. But, in fact, as author Casey Michaels shows in his book, American Kleptocracy, the US has become one of the world’s biggest places for off-shore tax havens and money laundering

In this well-wriitten, well-documented, and surprisingly readable book, he describes the history of the rise of US tax havens from its start in states like New Jersey to its rapid spread to other states who saw all the money rolling in and wanted in on it. She also introduces us to some of the people offering this ‘service and those taking advantage of it’ from African despots to Russian oligarchs. A truly eye-opening book.

Thanks to Netgallet and St Martin’s Press for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review ( )
  lostinalibrary | Nov 23, 2021 |
näyttää 2/2
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"A remarkable debut by one of America's premier young reporters on financial corruption, Casey Michel's American Kleptocracy offers the first explosive investigation into how the United States of America built the largest illicit offshore finance system the world has ever known. "An indefatigable young American journalist who has virtually cornered the international kleptocracy beat on the US end of the black aquifer." -The Los Angeles Review of Books For years, one country has acted as the greatest offshore haven in the world, attracting hundreds of billions of dollars in illicit finance tied directly to corrupt regimes, extremist networks, and the worst the world has to offer. But it hasn't been the sand-splattered Caribbean islands, or even traditional financial secrecy havens like Switzerland or Panama, that have come to dominate the offshoring world. Instead, the country profiting the most also happens to be the one that still claims to be the moral leader of the free world, and the one that claims to be leading the fight against the crooked and the corrupt: the USA. American Kleptocracy examines just how the United States' implosion into a center of global offshoring took place: how states like Delaware and Nevada perfected the art of the anonymous shell company, and how post-9/11 reformers watched their success usher in a new flood of illicit finance directly into the U.S.; how African despots and post-Soviet oligarchs came to dominate American coastlines, American industries, and entire cities and small towns across the American Midwest; how Nazi-era lobbyists birthed an entire industry of spin-men whitewashing trans-national crooks and despots, and how dirty money has now begun infiltrating America's universities and think tanks and cultural centers; and how those on the front-line are trying to restore America's legacy of anti-corruption leadership-and finally end this reign of American kleptocracy"--

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