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Super Natural Cooking: Five Delicious Ways to Incorporate Whole and Natural Foods into Your Cooking

Tekijä: Heidi Swanson

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
386766,975 (4.2)2
Using a palette of natural ingredients now widely available in supermarkets, Super Natural Cooking offers globally inspired, nutritionally packed cuisine that is both gratifying and flavorful. Everyone knows that whole foods are much healthier than refined ingredients, but few know how to cook with them in uncomplicated, delicious ways. With her weeknight-friendly dishes, real-foodie Heidi Swanson teaches home cooks how to become confident in a whole-foods kitchen by experimenting with alternative flours, fats, grains, sweeteners, and more. Including innovative twists on familiar dishes from polenta to chocolate chip cookies, Super Natural Cooking is the new wholesome way to eat, using real-world ingredients to get out-of-this-world results. With an inspiring introduction to nutritional superfoods, and an emphasis on whole grains, natural sweeteners, healthy oils, and colorful phytonutrient-packed ingredients, Swanson shows you how to build a whole-foods pantry with nutrition-rich ingredients like almond oil, pomegranate molasses, and mesquite flour--each explained in detail. Features 80 recipes, a comprehensive pantry chapter, and 100 stunning full-color photos.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 2 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
sure wish the title was Supernatural Cooking! ( )
  kmajort | Feb 9, 2018 |
I like the concept, but the recipes didn't strike me as anything special. Also, while the layout of the book is quite striking, I wish there were more photos of the dishes. There are many absolutely useless photos of the author's earrings or her friend's tattoos, but who cares about that in a cookbook? Show us the food!

She gives some useful info on less commonly used grains and other overlooked ingredients, but nothing you couldn't also find on any number of websites. ( )
  Lindoula | Sep 25, 2017 |
I like the concept, but the recipes didn't strike me as anything special. Also, while the layout of the book is quite striking, I wish there were more photos of the dishes. There are many absolutely useless photos of the author's earrings or her friend's tattoos, but who cares about that in a cookbook? Show us the food!

She gives some useful info on less commonly used grains and other overlooked ingredients, but nothing you couldn't also find on any number of websites. ( )
1 ääni akswede | Oct 14, 2013 |
Previewed from the library. After eating just the hedgehog potatoes . . . and plotting to make the "healthier" thin mint cookies (think Girl Scouts), I ordered my own copy. ( )
  beckydj | Mar 31, 2013 |
I love this cookbook. The recipes are interesting and challenging. I live in a college town in California with 5 specialty food stores (can you say heaven?) so I have not had a hard time finding some of the more exotic ingredients, but I could imagine it being a challenge elsewhere.

The Mesquite Chocolate Chip cookies are insanely good. I did feel funny eating powdered wood, but that feeling went away with the first bite.

The book is vegetarian! You really do not notice that until you look for a meat recipe, but I thought it was sneaky seeing as how it was not mentioned on the cover or in the blurb on the back. ( )
  leabharlainne | Apr 2, 2012 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Using a palette of natural ingredients now widely available in supermarkets, Super Natural Cooking offers globally inspired, nutritionally packed cuisine that is both gratifying and flavorful. Everyone knows that whole foods are much healthier than refined ingredients, but few know how to cook with them in uncomplicated, delicious ways. With her weeknight-friendly dishes, real-foodie Heidi Swanson teaches home cooks how to become confident in a whole-foods kitchen by experimenting with alternative flours, fats, grains, sweeteners, and more. Including innovative twists on familiar dishes from polenta to chocolate chip cookies, Super Natural Cooking is the new wholesome way to eat, using real-world ingredients to get out-of-this-world results. With an inspiring introduction to nutritional superfoods, and an emphasis on whole grains, natural sweeteners, healthy oils, and colorful phytonutrient-packed ingredients, Swanson shows you how to build a whole-foods pantry with nutrition-rich ingredients like almond oil, pomegranate molasses, and mesquite flour--each explained in detail. Features 80 recipes, a comprehensive pantry chapter, and 100 stunning full-color photos.

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