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The Paper Lantern

Tekijä: Will Burns

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1711,254,933 (4.33)-
'Will Burns is a soulful English poet of the kind we don't make enough of' MAX PORTER'Hugely affecting and timely' LUKE TURNER'A boldly struck chord, one that contains many of the dissonances, but also the harmonies, found in England today' CHRIS POWERIn THE PAPER LANTERN, a single speaker charts and interrogates the shifts in mood and understanding that have defined a surreal, transformative period in both his own history and that of the surrounding area. Set in a shuttered pub - The Paper Lantern - in a village in the very middle of the country adjacent to the Chequers estate, the narrator embarks on a series of walks in the Chiltern Hills, which become the landscape for evocations of a past scarred with trauma and a present lacking compass. From local raves in secret valleys and the history of landmarks such as Halton House, to the fallout of the lockdown period, climate change and capitalism, THE PAPER LANTERN creates a tangible, lived-in, complicated rendering of a place.… (lisätietoja)

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The rambling thoughts of the author as the country goes into lockdown in 2020 and his life working in his parents’ village pub stops. The author considers that his life has perhaps been marked by failure, as he quickly dropped out of university, for many years was unable to become a published poet, and after so many of his contemporaries have moved away (mainly to London), he has returned to the Middle English village he was brought up in. He discusses (moans about) the ills of private property, the environmental damage to be inflicted by HS2 (the High Speed rail line passing close to the village), the inequity of the educational system etc. The book is good at reminding us of the material facts of the past and its inescapable impact upon the present.
The book is interesting as a collection of reminiscences and reflections on late twentieth and early twentieth first century English village life, and of the immediate experience of England’s initial pandemic lockdown. But the book also feels relatively unstructured, woolly, rambling. ( )
  CarltonC | Jan 11, 2022 |
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'Will Burns is a soulful English poet of the kind we don't make enough of' MAX PORTER'Hugely affecting and timely' LUKE TURNER'A boldly struck chord, one that contains many of the dissonances, but also the harmonies, found in England today' CHRIS POWERIn THE PAPER LANTERN, a single speaker charts and interrogates the shifts in mood and understanding that have defined a surreal, transformative period in both his own history and that of the surrounding area. Set in a shuttered pub - The Paper Lantern - in a village in the very middle of the country adjacent to the Chequers estate, the narrator embarks on a series of walks in the Chiltern Hills, which become the landscape for evocations of a past scarred with trauma and a present lacking compass. From local raves in secret valleys and the history of landmarks such as Halton House, to the fallout of the lockdown period, climate change and capitalism, THE PAPER LANTERN creates a tangible, lived-in, complicated rendering of a place.

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