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On Writing Romance: How to Craft a Novel That Sells

Tekijä: Leigh Michaels

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1973139,855 (4.02)-
Sweep Readers Off Their Feet With a Romance They'll Never Forget In On Writing Romance, award-winning romance novelist Leigh Michaels talks you through each stage of the writing and publishing process. From the origins and evolution of the romance novel to establishing a vital story framework to writing that last line to seeking out appropriate publishers, everything you ever wanted to know about writing a romance novel is here. In addition to a comprehensive breakdown of more than thirty romance subgenres, including such categories as historical, inspirational, Regency, and sweet traditional, you'll discover how to: Steer clear of cliches and stereotypes by studying the genre Craft engaging and realistic heroes and heroines readers will adore Convincingly develop the central couple's blossoming relationship Add conflict by utilizing essential secondary characters like the "other woman" Use tension and timing to make your love scenes sizzle with sensuality Get your characters to happily-ever-after with an ending readers will always remember lus, read a sample query letter, cover letter, and synopsis, and learn how to properly prepare you romance novel for submission to agents and editors. On Writing Romance has everything you need to leave readers swooning!… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 3/3
Honestly think this is the best writing advice book I’ve ever read. Really breaks down what makes great writing / story. Provides so many examples and has great actionable advice. A must if you want to write romance of any kind. ( )
  thewestwing | Aug 12, 2022 |
One of many writing books I read over three months. Interesting, coming from a genre I don't normally write in. ( )
  Jon_Hansen | Nov 14, 2021 |
On Writing Romance is great for beginners who've just dreamed up their romance novel ideas. This book covers all the bases, from research to love scenes, plot and the query letter and everything in-between.

I've read several "How-to-Write" books from Writer's Digest. In this book, Leigh Michaels includes examples from the novels of other romance writers (Nicola Cornick, Lyn Cote, Annette Blair, Julia Quinn, etc) which I found helpful. Leigh Michaels not only tells the reader what to do, she shows you good and bad examples. ( )
  vonze | Feb 6, 2014 |
näyttää 3/3
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Sweep Readers Off Their Feet With a Romance They'll Never Forget In On Writing Romance, award-winning romance novelist Leigh Michaels talks you through each stage of the writing and publishing process. From the origins and evolution of the romance novel to establishing a vital story framework to writing that last line to seeking out appropriate publishers, everything you ever wanted to know about writing a romance novel is here. In addition to a comprehensive breakdown of more than thirty romance subgenres, including such categories as historical, inspirational, Regency, and sweet traditional, you'll discover how to: Steer clear of cliches and stereotypes by studying the genre Craft engaging and realistic heroes and heroines readers will adore Convincingly develop the central couple's blossoming relationship Add conflict by utilizing essential secondary characters like the "other woman" Use tension and timing to make your love scenes sizzle with sensuality Get your characters to happily-ever-after with an ending readers will always remember lus, read a sample query letter, cover letter, and synopsis, and learn how to properly prepare you romance novel for submission to agents and editors. On Writing Romance has everything you need to leave readers swooning!

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