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The Future of the Page (Studies in Book and Print Culture)

Tekijä: Peter Stoicheff

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
251904,328 (2.83)-
The most basic unit of the physical book is the page. It has determined the historical evolution of the book, the types of information communicated, and how the audience accesses that information.Unique and rewarding in both its scope and approach, The Future of the Page is a collection of essays that presents the best of recent critical theory on the history and future of the page and its enormous influence on Western thought and culture. Spanning the centuries between the earliest record of the page and current computerized conceptions of page-like entities, the essays examine the size of the page, its relative dimensions, materials, design, and display of information.The page is broadly defined, allowing the volume to explore topics ranging from medieval manuscripts to non-European alternatives to the page, Algonquin symbolic literacy, and hypertext. This thought-provoking collection will appeal to literary scholars, book historians, graphic designers, and those interested in the impact of evolving print technologies on intellectual and cultural life.… (lisätietoja)

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Like many books derived from conferences and seminars, the contents of 'The Future of the Page' are mixed in nature. Given the mutual need of academics to present and conference organisers to take their fees, any heterogenity of topic is a bonus. For my interests, the early chapters were of most interest, because they were concerned with differing views of the nature of the page through history. Also interesting, although it feels a little as if it has been overtaken by events, was the penultimate chapter addressing in great depth questions around the physical reality of the page and our discomfort with its transformation into bits and bytes. Most of the rest were very tangentially concerned with the page, virtual or physical, and my enjoyment was dependent on whether the topic (for example, cultural imperialism, digital archives or James Joyce's Ulysses) was of interest to me or presented in such a way to catch my imagination. I did enjoy this book, and the middling nature of my score is based more on the idea that its strays so far from what this reader thinks the theme should have been. ( )
  Schopflin | Mar 15, 2011 |
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The most basic unit of the physical book is the page. It has determined the historical evolution of the book, the types of information communicated, and how the audience accesses that information.Unique and rewarding in both its scope and approach, The Future of the Page is a collection of essays that presents the best of recent critical theory on the history and future of the page and its enormous influence on Western thought and culture. Spanning the centuries between the earliest record of the page and current computerized conceptions of page-like entities, the essays examine the size of the page, its relative dimensions, materials, design, and display of information.The page is broadly defined, allowing the volume to explore topics ranging from medieval manuscripts to non-European alternatives to the page, Algonquin symbolic literacy, and hypertext. This thought-provoking collection will appeal to literary scholars, book historians, graphic designers, and those interested in the impact of evolving print technologies on intellectual and cultural life.

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Keskiarvo: (2.83)
2.5 1
3 2

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