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Tag Team (El Toro and Friends)

Tekijä: Raúl The Third Iii

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322758,290 (3.1)-
Luchadore star El Toro teams up with his fighting partner, La Oink Oink, when a post-match mess at the stadium becomes a bit too intimidating to clean up alone.

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näyttää 2/2
I really love Raúl the Third and his illustrations. This story was a bit hit or miss, as El Toro doesn't really take initiative and needs a woman to help him clean. However, this book could also be interpreted as a story of the power of team work to get a task done. ( )
  ryantlaferney87 | Dec 8, 2023 |
After a tough match, the wrestling stadium is a mess, but El Toro is the only one around to try and clean it up. Can he do it alone or can he tag in a friend?

This was an entertaining book, especially for kids who like sports and high-action content. It reminds them that while chores aren't fun, they are a lot easier with a helping hand. The overall message about teamwork is a positive one. I have some quibbles about other minor messages implied by the book's content, including the idea that people who call out sick are faking it, that blowing on dishes is a more efficient way to dry them off than using a towel, and the painful-looking image of a chicken trying to pull itself out of the tight grip of a wrestler.

The text is a mix of English and Spanish, with context clues and repetition of the same idea helping to cue the reader in on the meaning of the words. (No glossary is provided.) This is a good way to help readers increase their vocabulary of Spanish words or English words, as the case may be. However, for monolingual readers, this may make this otherwise early reader style book a little more challenging to read on their own.

The illustrations are quite interesting. They are not really my preferred style, but they remind me of vintage comics mixed with an art style I am blanking on currently. They are full of fun small details, make use of many colors, and convey lots of action, so kids are sure to like them. ( )
  sweetiegherkin | Oct 12, 2022 |
näyttää 2/2
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Luchadore star El Toro teams up with his fighting partner, La Oink Oink, when a post-match mess at the stadium becomes a bit too intimidating to clean up alone.

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3.5 1
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