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Codex: Space Marines (9th Edition)

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261914,779 (4)-
The Adeptus Astartes are Mandkind's greatest defenders. Genetically enhanced, post-human super-soldiers, these elite warriors go to battle armed and armoured with the best wargear the Imperium can provide. They are steadfast warriors of the Emperor, deeply spiritual warrior-knights and warrior-monks belonging to close-knit brotherhoods called Chapters and operating out of mighty fortress monasteries. Each Space Marine is worth dozens of lesser foes; they are stronger, faster, cleverer and more resilient than any unaugmented Human could hope to be, and they know no fear. Often vastly outnumbered, Space Marine armies strike hard and fast using a bewildering array of transport vehicles, battle tanks, hurtling gunships, orbital drop-craft, light combat skimmers and war suits to ensure their foes are overwhelmed swiftly and completely. Where the indomitale warriors of the Adeptus Astartes direct their guns and deliver their blows, there does the enemy feel the full fury of the Emperor himself made manifest; few live to tell the tale.… (lisätietoja)

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This feels a lot more exciting than some of the earlier SM codexes did. Looks great, ace art, the rules look fun, the usual high production standards. Generally a good codex with lots of background fluff and some cool flavour texts. ( )
  elahrairah | Nov 8, 2020 |
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The Adeptus Astartes are Mandkind's greatest defenders. Genetically enhanced, post-human super-soldiers, these elite warriors go to battle armed and armoured with the best wargear the Imperium can provide. They are steadfast warriors of the Emperor, deeply spiritual warrior-knights and warrior-monks belonging to close-knit brotherhoods called Chapters and operating out of mighty fortress monasteries. Each Space Marine is worth dozens of lesser foes; they are stronger, faster, cleverer and more resilient than any unaugmented Human could hope to be, and they know no fear. Often vastly outnumbered, Space Marine armies strike hard and fast using a bewildering array of transport vehicles, battle tanks, hurtling gunships, orbital drop-craft, light combat skimmers and war suits to ensure their foes are overwhelmed swiftly and completely. Where the indomitale warriors of the Adeptus Astartes direct their guns and deliver their blows, there does the enemy feel the full fury of the Emperor himself made manifest; few live to tell the tale.

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