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The VRML 2.0 Handbook: Building Moving Worlds on the Web

Tekijä: Jed Hartman

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

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261899,335 (3.3)-
A Complete, Practical Guide for VRML 2.0 World BuildersVersion 2.0 of the Virtual Reality Modeling Language allows world designers to create interactive animated 3D virtual worlds. The VRML 2.0 Handbook guides readers through the development of such a world, using a VRML reconstruction of the Aztec city Tenochtitlan. This guide offers practical, platform-independent tips and examples from the experts at Silicon Graphics, Inc., leaders in formulating and developing VRML. Detailed examples and diagrams provide a solid foundation in VRML 2.0 for a wide range of content creators, from artists and designers with little programming background to seasoned computer experts with modest graphics skills. With VRML 2.0, you can create robots and people that walk and run, dogs that bark, and gurgling streams. You can design objects that react to user actions, such as doors that open when clicked. You can include sensors that respond when the user approaches a certain area--triggering an alarm, for instance, or starting an animation. This handbook explains how to use all of VRML 2.0's features, including: movies and 3D sounds visual effects such as fog and scenic panoramas with mountains, plains, or cityscapes collision detection, which prevents users from walking through walls sensors that keep track of the passage of time and respond to user actions such as clicking an object or moving to a certain location interpolators, which make it easy to include key-frame animation in your worlds the Script node, which allows you to write mini-programs in a language such as JavaScript or Java(tm), to build logic into your VRML world a prototyping feature that allows you to package objects you create and let other world authors use and modify them. 0201479443B04062001… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatMeagerman, chaisty, elysdir, zentinal, MikeLambert, euler, tsuitor

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Indeholder "Figures", "Examples", "Foreword", "Acknowledgments", "About This Book", " What This Book Contains", " How to Use This Book", " Conventions Used in This Book", " Related Reading", " About the Aztec Site", " Credits", " The Changing VRML World", "1. Introduction", " 3D Models versus 2D Images", " Cutting-Edge Technology", " A Brief Look at the Development of VRML", " What's New in VRML 2.0?", " Enhanced Static Worlds", " Interaction", " Animation and Behavior Scripting", " Prototyping", " VRML File Information", "2. Getting Plugged Into the World Wide Web", " Locating Documents on the Web", " Browser and Server", " Viewing VRML Scenes", " Types of Internet Access", " Gateway Service", " Dial-Up Direct Connection", " Dedicated Direct Connection", " Finding an Internet Service Provider (ISP)", " VRML Browsers", " Creating VRML Scenes", " Publishing Your Work", "3. Exploring and Building a World", " Exploring Aztec City", " Do-It-Yourself Tour", " Guided Tour", " On Your Way", " The Eagle Lands", " Temple of Quetzalcoatl", " At the Base of the Temple", " Texture Mapping to Add Details", " View from the Top", " Reusing Objects", " Exploring the Shrines", " Traveling through Time", " Building a World", " Creating Objects", " Using External Files: Inline Nodes", " Using Multiple Instances of an Object", " Linking to Other Objects", " Combining Objects into Worlds", " Looking at the Scene", " Interacting with the Scene", " Starting from Scratch", " Develop a Story Board", " Build Objects", " Add Animation and Scripts", " Refine and Test", " Moving On", "4. Building Objects", " Starting Your Temple", " Transformations", " Translation and the Standard Unit of Distance", " Rotation", " Scaling", " Combining Transformations", " Order of Transformations", " Geometry", " Simple Geometry Nodes", " Irregular Geometry", " Text (Flat)", " Appearances", " Appearance Nodes", " Materials", " Textures", " Prototypes", " Fields Versus Events", " EXTERNPROTO", "5. Lighting, Sound, and Complex Shapes", " Lights", " Scope of Lights", " Common Attributes of Lights", " Attenuation", " DirectionalLight Nodes", " PointLight Nodes", " SpotLight Nodes", " Sound", " AudioClip", " Complex Shapes", " Terrain Modeling with the ElevationGrid Node", " Extrusions", " What's Next?", "6. Animation and User Interaction", " Events and Routes Revisited", " The Animation Event Path", " Triggers and Targets", " Timers", " Engines", " Animation Hints", "7. Scripting", " Script Node Syntax", " How Scripts Handle Events", " Special Functions", " Field Types in JavaScript", " Scripting and Animation", " Locate-Highlighting: A Glowing Skull", " Switching among Choices: The Eagle Has Landed", " Other Fittings", " Logic", " Computed Animation", " Advanced Scripting", " The Browser Script Interface (Browser API)", " Scene Hierarchy Manipulation", " Binding the Browser to a Node", " Network Access", " Multiuser Worlds", "8. Using Colors, Normals, and Textures", " Colors", " Specifying Colors Per Face", " Specifying Colors Per Vertex", " Lines and Points", " Normals", " Using Default Normals", " Specifying Normals Per Face", " Specifying Normals Per Vertex", " Advanced Textures", " What Is a Texture Map?", " Movie Textures", " Components of a Texture", " Combining Textures, Colors, and Materials", " Specifying Texture Coordinates", " Transforming a Texture", " Repeating or Clamping a Texture", " How to Specify a Pixel Texture", " Backgrounds with Textures", " Creating the Panorama Scene", " Adding Ground and Sky Colors", " Combining a Panorama with Ground and Sky Color", "9. Publishing Your Work", " Setting Up a Server", " Security Issues", " Configuring a Server to Recognize VRML Files", " Your URL", " Organizing and Publishing Your Files", " Use Relative Addresses", " Use MIME Type Extensions", " Verify Remote URLs", " Add Information Nodes", " Compress the Files", " Announce Your Work on the Web", " Using the Common Gateway Interface (CGI)", " HTML Form", " Script", " Putting Form and Script Files on the Server", "10. Improving Performance", " Reducing File Size", " Use Instancing", " Use Prototypes", " Use the Text Node", " Use Space-Efficient Geometry Nodes", " Use Automatic Normals", " Eliminate White Space", " Round Floating Point Numbers", " Compress Files", " Increasing Rendering Speed", " Simplify the Scene", " Divide and Conquer", " Let the Browser Do Its Job", " Turn Off Collision Detection and Use Collision Proxies", " Use Scripts Efficiently", "11. Node Reference", " Suggested Structure of a VRML File", " Rules for Names", " Anchor", " Appearance", " AudioClip", " Background", " Billboard", " Box", " Collision", " Color", " ColorInterpolator", " Cone", " Coordinate", " CoordinateInterpolator", " Cylinder", " CylinderSensor", " DirectionalLight", " ElevationGrid", " Extrusion", " Fog", " FontStyle", " Group", " ImageTexture", " IndexedFaceSet", " IndexedLineSet", " Inline", " LOD", " Material", " MovieTexture", " NavigationInfo", " Normal", " NormalInterpolator", " OrientationInterpolator", " PixelTexture", " PlaneSensor", " PointLight", " PointSet", " PositionInterpolator", " ProximitySensor", " ScalarInterpolator", " Script", " Shape", " Sound", " Sphere", " SphereSensor", " SpotLight", " Switch", " Text", " TextureCoordinate", " TextureTransform", " TimeSensor", " TouchSensor", " Transform", " Viewpoint", " VisibilitySensor", " WorldInfo", "12. Field Reference", " SFBool", " SFColor and MFColor", " SFFloat and MFFloat", " SFImage", " SFInt 32 and MFInt 32", " SFNode and MFNode", " SFRotation and MFRotation", " SFString and MFString", " SFTime and MFTime", " SFVec2f and MFVec2f", " SFVec3f and MFVec3f", "A. Obsolete Nodes", "B. Java Notes and Examples", " Java Notes", " Examples", " Locate-Highlighting", " Integer Interpolator", " State Retention", " Viewpoint Binding", "Glossary", "Index".

Nogle eksempler anno 1998 af hvad man kan med VRML 2.0 og det er egentlig ikke ret meget. VRML var en løsning, der manglede et problem. Denne bog har et tempel som gennemgående eksempel Huitzilopochtli, Chacmool, Tlaloc, Quetzalcoatl. Her i 2015 er der stadig et website med filerne http://www.dellerae.com/tenoch/ ( )
  bnielsen | Jun 7, 2015 |
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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A Complete, Practical Guide for VRML 2.0 World BuildersVersion 2.0 of the Virtual Reality Modeling Language allows world designers to create interactive animated 3D virtual worlds. The VRML 2.0 Handbook guides readers through the development of such a world, using a VRML reconstruction of the Aztec city Tenochtitlan. This guide offers practical, platform-independent tips and examples from the experts at Silicon Graphics, Inc., leaders in formulating and developing VRML. Detailed examples and diagrams provide a solid foundation in VRML 2.0 for a wide range of content creators, from artists and designers with little programming background to seasoned computer experts with modest graphics skills. With VRML 2.0, you can create robots and people that walk and run, dogs that bark, and gurgling streams. You can design objects that react to user actions, such as doors that open when clicked. You can include sensors that respond when the user approaches a certain area--triggering an alarm, for instance, or starting an animation. This handbook explains how to use all of VRML 2.0's features, including: movies and 3D sounds visual effects such as fog and scenic panoramas with mountains, plains, or cityscapes collision detection, which prevents users from walking through walls sensors that keep track of the passage of time and respond to user actions such as clicking an object or moving to a certain location interpolators, which make it easy to include key-frame animation in your worlds the Script node, which allows you to write mini-programs in a language such as JavaScript or Java(tm), to build logic into your VRML world a prototyping feature that allows you to package objects you create and let other world authors use and modify them. 0201479443B04062001

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