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Eat Like Eve: Irresistible Recipes for Nude Food... Gluten Free! Dairy Free & Vegan! Live FUN Raw Foodstuff!

Tekijä: Cherry Capri

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314,149,202 (5)-
CREATE SPACE VERSIONIn Eat Like Eve, Cherry Capri, America s Queen of Modernism, Manners and Mirth, shares her secrets for staying happy and healthy. She maintains that Eve in the Garden of Eden must have looked pretty darn good. This is because she was eating raw plant-based cuisine, composed of uncooked organic fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, greens and vegetables. This quirky funny raw food diet un-cookbook also contains 88 quick delicious recipes based on living food principles and lifestyle. The recipes are vegan, lactose-free, dairy free, gluten free, and made from family friendly, natural ingredients. The simple, yet creative dishes are made from quality whole foods. They range from breakfast granola bars to lunch time Chinese chicken chicky salad dressing and Smoky Split Pea Soup, to suppertime with raw Tomato Marinara sauce and onion bread. And no meal would be complete without alcohol-free Mojitos, delightful dairy-free deserts of macaroons and RAWket chocolate pudding and pie! The book provides easy-to-understand background on why raw foods matter. Cherry explains basics, equipment, ingredients, and even a bit of personal philosophy behind meat-free culinary choice. For ten years, Cherry Capri has written a Dear Cherry advice column for Mid Century Modern fans. Her column combines swanky style and healthy homemaking with Hip Hosting tips. So in quintessential Cherry style, this cookbook is filled with fabulous fun fifties illustrations! AND the audible audio book is loaded with Esquivel-inspired SOUND SURPRISES! Eat Like Eve makes an Essential Gift for someone you care about. The text takes a non-judgmental, light-hearted approach and will appeal to anyone who is health-curious, or interested in inner beauty, longevity or weight loss. Cherry s un-processed un-refined snacks are tasty enough to satisfy even hard core omnivores. They are accompanied with clear list of ingredients, short fast instructions and color photographs for every dish - with time-saving tips and techniques.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatwitchescastle

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Reviewed by Carla Trueheart for Readers' Favorite

Eat Like Eve by Cherry Capri is a unique cookbook based around raw foods and vegan eating. The cookbook opens with an introduction about “Eve” in the Garden of Eden and how her diet revolved around fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. The theory is that fruits and veggies, when cooked, will lose valuable nutrients, therefore becoming not as nutritious and healthy as they would be if eaten in raw form. The author gives a full account of her connection with raw foods and how she feels better living this lifestyle. Also included in the introduction are some of the ways you can ease into this style of eating, the price of some of the items/supplies used to produce these foods (dehydrator, blender, food processor), and where you can find some of the more unique all-natural foods listed as ingredients throughout the book (agave, raw nuts, specific oils, flax seed, etc.). From there, the cookbook dives right into recipes with raw ingredients, most of the dishes raw versions of everyday food choices. Included, to list just a few, are chili, chicken nuggets, salads, BBQ sauce, pasta toppings, condiments, curry, french onion soup, and even cheesecake. Basically, most favorite foods are available in raw forms.

As a vegetarian, I appreciated Cherry Capri’s approach to this way of eating (and as she says, vegetarians eat more than just salads!). While I do eat cheese and cooked vegetables, I understand her argument that most vegetarians fill up on pastas, breads, and desserts. Because of that, I did find this cookbook interesting enough to give it a try. Easing in with snacks and salads is probably the best way to go about eating raw foods, and as mentioned in Eat Like Eve, even adding little bits of raw foods here and there is a good start. Overall, the cookbook is fun and has a big personality, especially with the author’s outlook and personalization. I would recommend the book to vegetarians, health-food lovers, or anyone who wishes to live a healthier lifestyle through raw fruits, nuts, and vegetables. ( )
  witchescastle | Nov 17, 2022 |
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CREATE SPACE VERSIONIn Eat Like Eve, Cherry Capri, America s Queen of Modernism, Manners and Mirth, shares her secrets for staying happy and healthy. She maintains that Eve in the Garden of Eden must have looked pretty darn good. This is because she was eating raw plant-based cuisine, composed of uncooked organic fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, greens and vegetables. This quirky funny raw food diet un-cookbook also contains 88 quick delicious recipes based on living food principles and lifestyle. The recipes are vegan, lactose-free, dairy free, gluten free, and made from family friendly, natural ingredients. The simple, yet creative dishes are made from quality whole foods. They range from breakfast granola bars to lunch time Chinese chicken chicky salad dressing and Smoky Split Pea Soup, to suppertime with raw Tomato Marinara sauce and onion bread. And no meal would be complete without alcohol-free Mojitos, delightful dairy-free deserts of macaroons and RAWket chocolate pudding and pie! The book provides easy-to-understand background on why raw foods matter. Cherry explains basics, equipment, ingredients, and even a bit of personal philosophy behind meat-free culinary choice. For ten years, Cherry Capri has written a Dear Cherry advice column for Mid Century Modern fans. Her column combines swanky style and healthy homemaking with Hip Hosting tips. So in quintessential Cherry style, this cookbook is filled with fabulous fun fifties illustrations! AND the audible audio book is loaded with Esquivel-inspired SOUND SURPRISES! Eat Like Eve makes an Essential Gift for someone you care about. The text takes a non-judgmental, light-hearted approach and will appeal to anyone who is health-curious, or interested in inner beauty, longevity or weight loss. Cherry s un-processed un-refined snacks are tasty enough to satisfy even hard core omnivores. They are accompanied with clear list of ingredients, short fast instructions and color photographs for every dish - with time-saving tips and techniques.

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