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The Choices I Make: (Children’s Books About Making Good Choices, Anger, Emotions Management, Kids Ages 3 5, Preschool, Kindergarten) (Self-Regulation Skills Book 14)

Tekijä: Michael Gordon

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273869,964 (5)-
Decisions Can Be HARD! Here's a great story for helping kids manage their emotions and anger.This fun picture book opens a lot of opportunities to talk about emotions and feelings. Based on self-regulation theory, this is a story that helps to let their feelings out in a healthy way. Childrenwill learn how to breathe through anger and frustration, to be able tothink before acting, to be mindful. It's perfect for preschoolers ages 3 to 5, parents, teachers and anyone who works with kids.* Teaching kids how to make good choices* Every choice (good or bad) comes with consequences* Helps children with decision-making process* Learn how to behave, tolerate frustration, adapt to change* Teaching kids about empathy, kindness, and compassionIt has a great message:"Excellent for sharing and encouraging discussion... Very good teaching tool for kids ages 3-5 and adults. " - Kelly"Love this book! We've only read it one time, but it has already helped my kids see things a little differently." - TaylorExplains choices & consequences:"The book flows really well, rhymes and paces just right. The illustrations are beautiful too. " - Emily"My 5 year old son's behavior changed immediately!" - AnneAnd* Cute illustrations with nice rhyming story* Not too long, grabs kid's attention* Print version includes COLORING PAGES*Perfect for preschool, pre-k, and kindergartenGET IT NOW and get the ebook for FREE!! Add this amazing kids book to your cart and ENJOY!… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 3/3
Josh gets angry with his sister Emily when he comes home from school and finds her playing with his favorite toy. He gets angry and screams at her. His father explains why it is wrong and how it makes him feel. The book shows common situations that make kids angry. Then it shows the better choice to make. ( )
  skstiles612 | Jul 28, 2023 |
This book helps teach kids about self regulation through breathing, counting to 10 and other skills.
It teaches kids that every choice has a consquences whether it be good or bad. it teaches them how to make the right choices. I actually ended up purchasing this for my own little ones. Ages3-5
  Stephanie712 | Mar 17, 2023 |
The Choices I Make by Michael Gordon
This colorful rhyming children's book starts out with Josh and he's just returned from school and has been thinking about playing with his favorite toy all day.
He can't find his plane til he sees his sister playing with it and he yells at her which sends his father running to find out what's going on.
He softly tells Josh that he selected the wrong choice and how he should think before he speaks by doing a few things.
He has an option to choose worse or better. Next time something happens he remembers what his father said and chooses better and feels proud of himself.
Love how this book comes together, no matter what age because we could all use this common sense.
Coloring pages are attached at the end of this book.
I received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion. ( )
  jbarr5 | Jun 19, 2020 |
näyttää 3/3
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Decisions Can Be HARD! Here's a great story for helping kids manage their emotions and anger.This fun picture book opens a lot of opportunities to talk about emotions and feelings. Based on self-regulation theory, this is a story that helps to let their feelings out in a healthy way. Childrenwill learn how to breathe through anger and frustration, to be able tothink before acting, to be mindful. It's perfect for preschoolers ages 3 to 5, parents, teachers and anyone who works with kids.* Teaching kids how to make good choices* Every choice (good or bad) comes with consequences* Helps children with decision-making process* Learn how to behave, tolerate frustration, adapt to change* Teaching kids about empathy, kindness, and compassionIt has a great message:"Excellent for sharing and encouraging discussion... Very good teaching tool for kids ages 3-5 and adults. " - Kelly"Love this book! We've only read it one time, but it has already helped my kids see things a little differently." - TaylorExplains choices & consequences:"The book flows really well, rhymes and paces just right. The illustrations are beautiful too. " - Emily"My 5 year old son's behavior changed immediately!" - AnneAnd* Cute illustrations with nice rhyming story* Not too long, grabs kid's attention* Print version includes COLORING PAGES*Perfect for preschool, pre-k, and kindergartenGET IT NOW and get the ebook for FREE!! Add this amazing kids book to your cart and ENJOY!

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on myös kirjailija Michael Gordon.

on myös kirjailija Michael Gordon.

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