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The Hiding Girl

Tekijä: Dorian Box

Sarjat: Emily Calby (1)

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732,417,988 (4.25)-
Twelve year old Emily Calby was a good girl from a religious family in rural Georgia. Two men came and savagely murdered her family. Somehow Emily escaped. Only the killers know she survived. On the run she meets a former gang member who she persuades to train her to kill before setting out on a terrifying journey to find her family's killers. Nothing will stop her - yet through it all she fights to hold on inside to the girl she once was.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 3/3
The Hiding Girl by Dorian Box
Emily Calby #1

Excellent – could not put this book down! Remembering myself when 12, thinking about what Emily experienced, rooting for her throughout – what a roller coaster ride this book proved to be!

What I liked:
* Emily: Strong, smart, damaged, survivor, focused on justice. This young girl grew up in a hurry and lived by her wits as she moved forward while dealing with the loss of her family.
* Lucas: Big, strong, giving, caring, nicer than he appears at first, suffered great loss, just who Emily needed in her life.
* Kiona: kind of a silent person in the story but there for both Emily and Lucas.
* James: a young man with a future, good friend to Lucas, would like to know more about him.
* FBI agent Forster: a good man with Emily’s best interests at heart.
* The kind people that were there for Emily from time to time.
* Emily’s strength, resilience and ability to survive – and also her loyalty and friendship with those she cared about.
* The unflinching look at what happened in more than one situation.
* Darla and Peggy: two women that were kind and helpful when they didn’t have to be.
* The way Lucas was there for Emily when she really needed him.
* That the baddies were dealt with in the end…and how they were dealt with.

What I didn’t like:
* The bad guys…and there were several that showed up in this story. Predators that all deserved the justice meted out to them.
* Knowing that the predators in this book exist in real life and that what Emily experienced in the story is all too real for too many.

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Definitely

Thank you to NetGalley and Friction Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars ( )
  CathyGeha | Mar 2, 2021 |
When I first read the excerpt for this book I was very intrigued. A young girl on the run from the two men who murdered her family and is trying to find a way to survive.

Once I received the entire book, I couldn't put it down. The writing was well done and I honestly was just so invested in Emily's story and what would happen next.

Through the story you see her go through a lot of trauma induced emotions. Also, she learns to stand strong in the midst of all this chaos.

Honestly, the only reason I didn't give the story 5 stars is because there was so much cussing in it. I understand why the author had it im there based on the circumstances. I just always prefer less rather than more.

This is definitely a powerful story! I just hope nobody ever goes through something like this in real life because it would be rough. ( )
  Yodareads12 | Nov 30, 2020 |
Emily is a complex character with a lot of baggage and self-doubt but she is resilient. Her internal struggles make her a character that I could relate to. I have a small issue with Emily's age - not many twelve-year-old's that I know would be able to function totally and suddenly alone. The circumstances surrounding her situation and how the author explains it does make Emily's character more believable. Emily herself definitely reminds me of an "old soul", wise beyond her years (her father's influence) and a scrappy girl. That isn't to say that she doesn't act her age at least some of the time but usually only when she is with Lucas.

Race does play a factor in several instances within the book - mostly Lucas explaining the nuances to Emily because it's something that doesn't occur to her naturally. Without Lucas's backstory the dynamic between Lucas and Emily not to mention the agreement they come to would seem far less plausible. Emily and Lucas become a relationship of big brother/little sister and what they offer each other freely is what makes their relationship unique. Kiona's character wasn't fleshed out as much as Lucas and obviously Emily but it was more of a consequence of her relationship with Emily rather than lack of character building. In fact, Kiona echoed my thoughts in several instances, it made me like her even though her character was the hardest to like for me.

At it's very core this is a book about justice versus revenge and that mainly hinges upon how you would personally see it. More often than not the lines blur and it comes down to your views on handling problems like Emily's yourself or letting the law take care of it. Emily struggles with morality and religion but I believe that what happened to her family caused her to become what she is - Lucas only provided a safe place and educational springboard to the deep end. Even though we don't see much of them Peggy and Darla provide mother figures to Emily, their bond is wholesome and fits Emily's psychological needs in a way she didn't know she needed.

One interesting facet of The Hiding Girl was that it featured a little known condition called trichotillomania which is a disorder that causes people to have an irresistible urge to pull out their hair. The only reason I'm aware of it is because of two people in my life. Another condition we see with Emily is DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) also known to many as split-personality and this is the second book this year I've read that has a character "suffering" from it's clutches - although it's much less prevalent here.

This story is fairly violent for the main character being a girl of twelve. Violence of all kinds, the physical kind is usually described in detail while the more sensitive stuff (mainly sexual assault) is more vague which I appreciated. Even though the story is told from a twelve-year-old's perspective I wouldn't suggest it for younger audiences. I enjoyed this book and it captured my attention enough that I didn't want to put it down even though the Emily/Lucas plausibility still gets me a little bit. I would recommend this book to readers who enjoy thrillers, suspense and books that feature mental health and morality. Thank you to Dorian Box, BookishFirst and Friction Press for the opportunity to read a digital ARC of The Hiding Girl - I look forward to seeing where Emily ends up in the second installment.

*Content warning: physical violence, sexual assault, drug use, mental health, self harm, race and religion.* ( )
  thereviewbooth | Jun 1, 2020 |
näyttää 3/3
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Twelve year old Emily Calby was a good girl from a religious family in rural Georgia. Two men came and savagely murdered her family. Somehow Emily escaped. Only the killers know she survived. On the run she meets a former gang member who she persuades to train her to kill before setting out on a terrifying journey to find her family's killers. Nothing will stop her - yet through it all she fights to hold on inside to the girl she once was.

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