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New World Sourdough: Artisan Techniques for Creative Homemade Fermented Breads; With Recipes for Birote, Bagels, Pan de Coco, Beignets, and More (2020)

Tekijä: Bryan Ford

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1106251,283 (4.11)1
"New World Sourdough teaches handmade artisan bread baking for beginner to intermediate home bakers who want to learn how to bake fermented breads at home with New World twists"--

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 6) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
(I originally wrote this as a private review, but years later decided to make it public.) I have been making sourdough bread for more than 25 years. There's no easy (or kind-sounding) way to say this: I do not understand at all how others have given this collection of recipes good reviews. They are error-ridden and turn out terribly. The corrections to the recipes are available on the author's website; however, he didn't even bother updating the Kindle edition with those corrections (which is what I originally bought and then returned for a refund). I tried 4 different recipes and they ALL were really quite terrible. Ratios were very wrong and came out as bricks -- particularly the English Muffin recipe. Yikes. I fear this was rushed to publication during the pandemic without enough testing and reviews. I'm sure the author is an absolutely fantastic baker, but this publication does not reflect that. If you are new to baking, this book could lead you to believe you just don't know what you are doing -- but it's NOT you, so be encouraged. ( )
  SaraMSLIS | Mar 29, 2023 |
A different take on sourdough than others I have read. Inspired by his Honduran roots and New Orleans upbringing, Ford brings different flavors and styles to his bread. This book is full of his stories, recipes, and heart. Some cookbooks are for reading. In my opinion, this is one of those. ( )
  poolays | Mar 21, 2022 |
While baking since 10+ years, still this books recipes so far have been super easy to follow, tasty and very successfully baked - close to how it's shown in the pictures (even though replacing some of the flours with whole grains of various sorts).

Focus really is on the recipes, and the relatively small list offers a great variety of baked goods.

Great also - this is few ingredients, no fuss, no 'parts of a gram', flexible baking, just how I like it. And it works.

One of my favorite baking books, now. ( )
  andreas.wpv | Sep 29, 2021 |
Recommended by Tim H.

Made the Masa Focaccia

Great explanation of making and maintaining a sourdough starter, how to build and maintain a levain, plus recipes of course. ( )
  JennyArch | May 31, 2021 |
Bakken met zuurdesem. Technieken en creatieve broodrecepten uit de wereldkeuken. Door Bryan Ford.

Bryan Ford, u misschien beter bekend onder zijn Instagramnaam @artisanbryan, wil iedereen enthousiast maken om thuis zelf (zuurdesem)brood te bakken, en daar slaagt hij wonderwel in.

Zijn Hondurese roots, zijn passie voor de Latijns-Amerikaanse cultuur én zijn jeugd in New Orleans (met een tortilla hondureña bakkende moeder) maken hem tot een originele, enthousiaste, meeslepende bakker, Instagrammer én boekenschrijver.

Bakken met zuurdesem is naast een klassieke zuurdesem-bijbel (hij leert je stap voor stap alles over het maken van je eigen starter, je desem onderhouden, welke bloemsoorten je kan gebruiken,…) ook een geweldig goesting-gevend kookboek vol wereldse recepten waarvan je gaat watertanden (zoals cubaanse muffins, pão de queijo of monkey bread met pecanpraline). De iets traditionelere recepten (zoals focaccia, volkorenbrood of rustiekbrood) komen ook aan bod.

Ford heeft een klassieker en een vernieuwende bijbel in één geschreven. Met daarin telkens de nadruk op het plezier van het bakken en niet op het (visueel) perfecte brood. Als het maar lekker is en zin geeft in meer, meer bakken én smullen. Mijn handen jeuken om zelf aan de slag te gaan. Oh wat hou ik van enthousiasmerende mensen die hun passie graag met anderen delen! ( )
  Els04 | May 24, 2021 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 6) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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"New World Sourdough teaches handmade artisan bread baking for beginner to intermediate home bakers who want to learn how to bake fermented breads at home with New World twists"--

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