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The Gates of Athens

Tekijä: Conn Iggulden

Sarjat: Athenian (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1462189,823 (3.96)-
Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:Evoking two of the most famous battles of the Ancient Worldâ??the Battle of Marathon and the Last Stand at Thermopylaeâ??The Gates of Athens is a bravura piece of storytelling by a well acclaimed master of the historical adventure novel.
/> In the new epic historical novel by New York Times bestselling author Conn Iggulden, in ancient Greece an army of slaves gathers on the plains of Marathon . . .

Under Darius the Great, King of Kings, the mighty Persian armyâ??swollen by 10,000 warriors known as The Immortalsâ??have come to subjugate the Greeks. In their path, vastly outnumbered, stands an army of freeborn Athenians. Among them is a clever, fearsome, and cunning soldier-statesman, Xanthippus. Against all odds, the Athenians emerge victorious.

Yet people soon forget that freedom is bought with blood.

Ten years later, Xanthippus watches helplessly as Athens succumbs to the bitter politics of factionalism. Traitors and exiles abound. Trust is at a low ebb when the Persians cross the Hellespont in ever greater numbers in their second attempt to raze Athens to the ground.

Facing overwhelming forces by land and sea, the Athenians call on their Spartan allies for assistanceâ??to delay the Persians at the treacherous pass of Th… (lisätietoja)

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a strong historical novel, exciting and educational ( )
  AndyGE | Sep 9, 2022 |
Conn Iggulden introduced me to the historical drama genre with series on Julius Caesar and Genghis Khan, names even every day person nowadays would recognize. This time he tackles the story of primarily Xanthippus and Themistocles.

Their names are not as legendary. Their battles are of some note. Battle of Thermopylae and Artemisium. They were memorialized with the 300 movies by Zach Snyder. When made I loved the moves dripping with heroes, blood and honor.

This book is more about honor of heroes. Not as much attention given to the battles ... rather it's more an ode to Athens and democracy. Fascinating stories by a fascinating author. I do look forward to reading the sequel. ( )
  wellington299 | Feb 19, 2022 |
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Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:Evoking two of the most famous battles of the Ancient Worldâ??the Battle of Marathon and the Last Stand at Thermopylaeâ??The Gates of Athens is a bravura piece of storytelling by a well acclaimed master of the historical adventure novel.
In the new epic historical novel by New York Times bestselling author Conn Iggulden, in ancient Greece an army of slaves gathers on the plains of Marathon . . .

Under Darius the Great, King of Kings, the mighty Persian armyâ??swollen by 10,000 warriors known as The Immortalsâ??have come to subjugate the Greeks. In their path, vastly outnumbered, stands an army of freeborn Athenians. Among them is a clever, fearsome, and cunning soldier-statesman, Xanthippus. Against all odds, the Athenians emerge victorious.

Yet people soon forget that freedom is bought with blood.

Ten years later, Xanthippus watches helplessly as Athens succumbs to the bitter politics of factionalism. Traitors and exiles abound. Trust is at a low ebb when the Persians cross the Hellespont in ever greater numbers in their second attempt to raze Athens to the ground.

Facing overwhelming forces by land and sea, the Athenians call on their Spartan allies for assistanceâ??to delay the Persians at the treacherous pass of Th

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