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Candy Hearts

Tekijä: Erin McLellan

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1721,277,183 (4.07)-
Mechanic Benji Holiday is so over Valentine's Day and men who don't get him. A weekend getaway with friends to escape the holiday hubbub is exactly what he needs. But William O'Dare-a stern and silent nightclub owner with "Be My Valentine" practically stamped on his forehead-throws a wrench into Benji's plans.William has spent years focused on his career, and it has cost him friendships and love. Inexperienced in the business of romance, he's on the hunt for the perfect partner, and he's armed with specific criteria to guide him. But William didn't expect a hunky mechanic wrapped in satin and lace to show up on his doorstep.Unable to resist their attraction, Benji and William agree to be secret fake valentines for the weekend, but secrets have a way of getting out. William gets struck by Cupid's arrow, and as the weekend winds down, he doesn't want fake or secret. He wants Benji to be his valentine for real and for keeps.Candy Hearts is a male/male Valentine's Day novella featuring a house party power outage, meddling friends and siblings, naughty lingerie and naughtier toys, homemade Valentine's Day cards, and a happily ever after.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
Benji is just delightful. I mean, what else are you going to call someone who brings lingerie and sex toys to an anti-Valentine's Day weekend? He's absolutely ready for anything that's going to happen. Not that he really expects anything to happen, except maybe using the stuff all by his lonesome. Oh, and don't forget the candy. There's also candy.

William has been seriously busy, and has ignored his friends until now, when he's decided he needs to have a life. So, all his friends are coming to his house for the weekend, except it gets postponed. But no one tells Benji.

I love how well they seem to fit with each other. They just make everything perfect for each other. I would really love to read a lot more of Benji and Willy. ( )
  tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
I'm new to Erin McLellan's books, but this one was really enjoyable. Benji arrives at William's cabin expecting a house full of people at a Valentine's party. What he doesn't know is that his lovely sister has forgotten to tell him that the party has been postponed due to a power outage. As shocked as William is to have company, he pretty much instantly finds himself intrigued by and attracted to Benji. The feeling is pretty mutual.

The problem for the two men is that they are both out of practice when it comes too dating and they've both had some bad experiences. Benji wants someone around whom he can be himself... and when he accidentally finds William's list of qualities he's looking for in a man, he feels defeated.

There is a lot of sweetness in this book. William is lovely when he realizes that Benji has some kinks that he usually keeps hidden. William is non-judgemental and encouraging. Benji seems to instantly feel that William is all the thing that he's been looking for - maybe without even knowing it.

Neither character is run-of-the-mill. Outwardly, Benji is a rough and tumble mechanic. He's muscular and gorgeous. He hides a lot of the things that he loves, because he's sure he will be judged for it.

William is married to his work. But he's realized that he's been losing touch with his friends and is trying to turn his life around. Finding a partner is all part of that. That list? The one that Benji found... that's what he figured he was supposed to want, but the list began to change dramatically in his head from the very first moment that he met Benji.

This is a great book, packed with well-written sex scenes exploring all kinds of kinks and pleasures!

Mostly, I think I was jealous of this group of friends! I'd like to hang out with them! ( )
  KinzieThings | Jun 16, 2020 |
näyttää 2/2
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Mechanic Benji Holiday is so over Valentine's Day and men who don't get him. A weekend getaway with friends to escape the holiday hubbub is exactly what he needs. But William O'Dare-a stern and silent nightclub owner with "Be My Valentine" practically stamped on his forehead-throws a wrench into Benji's plans.William has spent years focused on his career, and it has cost him friendships and love. Inexperienced in the business of romance, he's on the hunt for the perfect partner, and he's armed with specific criteria to guide him. But William didn't expect a hunky mechanic wrapped in satin and lace to show up on his doorstep.Unable to resist their attraction, Benji and William agree to be secret fake valentines for the weekend, but secrets have a way of getting out. William gets struck by Cupid's arrow, and as the weekend winds down, he doesn't want fake or secret. He wants Benji to be his valentine for real and for keeps.Candy Hearts is a male/male Valentine's Day novella featuring a house party power outage, meddling friends and siblings, naughty lingerie and naughtier toys, homemade Valentine's Day cards, and a happily ever after.

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