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On the Corner of Hope and Main: A Blessings…

On the Corner of Hope and Main: A Blessings Novel (vuoden 2020 painos)

Tekijä: Beverly Jenkins (Tekijä)

Sarjat: Blessings (10)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
6122435,510 (3.61)2
"Citizens of Henry Adams, Kansas, know there's never a dull moment in their small town. Trent July has been the mayor of this historic town for the past four years, but now he's ready to let someone else take up the mantle. Barrett Payne, a former Marine, decides he wants the job. But when a surprise candidate also enters the ring, the town has opinions on who would be the best candidate. And of course that's not the only drama, as Malachi "Mal" July continues to make reparations for the damage he's caused and to the people he's betrayed, especially his lady love Bernadine. Is she finally ready to forgive him and let the past go? As the residents of Henry Adams have learned, life will throw obstacles their way, but it's how they come together and rise above these challenges that keep the bonds of their close-knit community strong"--Provided by publisher.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:On the Corner of Hope and Main: A Blessings Novel
Kirjailijat:Beverly Jenkins (Tekijä)
Info:William Morrow Paperbacks (2020), 304 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):****


On the Corner of Hope and Main: A Blessings Novel (tekijä: Beverly Jenkins)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 24) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
It's been a long wait but the latest Blessings novel was worth it! This time around, we follow the town preparing to elect a new mayor, while the romance in this one is Bernadine finding a way around her feelings of anger to take a second chance with Mal. It's always a treat to re-enter the world of Henry Adams. Beverly Jenkins has done a fantastic job with this world she's built and I hope to keep visiting for years to come.

We have the unruly Julys return, as well as Leo, Bernadine's clueless ex. We get to see Leo and old nemeses Riley and his hog Cletus get their comeuppances in delightful ways. We learn about a big secret about one of town's most tight-lipped residences, we see new resident Robyn start to come to terms with her past and be part of the community, and most delightfully we see Sheila Payne move into her self. There's the usual fun moments with the various residents as well.

There's a question in the section for book club discussions that ask if this series is played out. Hell no! I can't wait to have Tina move to town and I can't wait to spend more time with the chefs that get introduced in this one. I want more of the Rev Paula and the people working to build the new restaurant and B&B. This series shows us at our best - trying to help even if sometimes we're not being able to but at least making the attempt, and more importantly, people loving each other and seeing that love transform others. I truly hope Miss Bev isn't tired of this world yet, because I'm not. ( )
  mktoronto | Jan 25, 2023 |
Good things are not happening for Bernadine Brown at this point. Not only is she trying to recover from the difficulties in her relationship with Malachi July (he embezzled $70K from the diner) but her ex-husband, Leo, has "moved" to Henry Adams to try to disrupt all the good that Bernadine has accomplished in the town. Leo had originally planned to run for mayor but decided that he would just help Riley Curry with his campaign. What Leo didn't know or understand is that even though Riley was the former mayor, he was also persona non grata for the citizens in town.

The story surrounding the election and all the candidates as well as the other citizens' lives just kept me wanting more. It amazes me that more people don't rally around the BLESSINGS! ( )
  cyderry | Aug 30, 2021 |
Bernadine's ex-husband shows up in Blessings threatening to run for mayor but instead throws his endorsement behind former mayor Riley causing Bernadine and her friends to wonder why. Goings on at his house have been reported to Bernadine and other members of the town leaders causing them to check out his reasons. When they find out what he is up to, will they be able to stop him? Bernadine's former beau, Malachi, is trying to atone for his past and get her back. Will he be able to get Bernadine's forgiveness and reunite with her?

This is my first Blessings book but it will not be my last one. I thoroughly enjoyed this story. My enjoyment would have been enhanced had I read the previous books in the series. I would have known the history of the town and the people and how they fit together (or didn't fit together.)

I loved Bernadine, Tina, and Rocky. I liked the vision they had for the town. I liked the Julys that I met in this story although I got the feeling not all of them were likable nor honorable. The other towns people who made brief appearances here were interesting and quirky. I appreciated Rev. Paula and how she helped Robyn. I have to hear their story. Leo, Riley, and Stillwater are snakes and belong in the gutter that they slither out of to upset Bernadine. She is smarter than they think she is and is on to them fairly quick. I found the Paynes--Barrett, Sheila, and Preston--interesting. When Sheila decides to let her colors fly, Barret does not know what to do but the Dads and Preston show him the way. His humility after realizing his wife has so much going for her is wonderful to watch.

I plan on getting the early books of the series as well as future ones. Blessings is an unusual town with fascinating people and stories. ( )
  Sheila1957 | Aug 20, 2021 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
This is the tenth novel in “The Blessings Series“ by Beverly Jenkins, set in the historic town of Henry Adams, Kansas, one of the last surviving townships founded by freed slaves after the Civil War. With the millions Bernadine Brown received after divorcing her faithless tycoon husband, she saved the town from financial ruin and found loving homes for five needy children.

In this novel, Bernadine's philandering, troublemaking ex-husband is in town looking to make trouble again in Henry Adams.

As in all her blessings novels, Jenkins has not disappointed me. She has mastered the characters, their inner story, and the bonds that glues the community together is written well. She always refreshes the reader with a short version of their back story as if you hadn’t read any of the previous blessings novels. If you have read them in sequence it’s a quick refresher to the characters.

Jenkins weaves new people within the town of Henry Adams and it brings fresh appeal to this amazing series of adventures, dilemmas, drama, and romance. I love it, and can’t wait for the 11th edition to the “Blessings Series”! ( )
  DonnasBookAddiction | Jul 29, 2020 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
Bernadine is not only a major player in the town where she lives, she actually owns the town itself. She is a great strong female character who has lots of great friends, complicated relationships with the men in her life, and a strong moral center. There's nothing particularly novel about this story--it's a relatively formulaic small town goes through something difficult, comes together to solve it, and comes out stronger on the other side kind of story. But, it's very well written and the characters are interesting and well-defined. I really enjoyed this book and hope to read more in the series. ( )
  drsyko | Jun 12, 2020 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 24) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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"Citizens of Henry Adams, Kansas, know there's never a dull moment in their small town. Trent July has been the mayor of this historic town for the past four years, but now he's ready to let someone else take up the mantle. Barrett Payne, a former Marine, decides he wants the job. But when a surprise candidate also enters the ring, the town has opinions on who would be the best candidate. And of course that's not the only drama, as Malachi "Mal" July continues to make reparations for the damage he's caused and to the people he's betrayed, especially his lady love Bernadine. Is she finally ready to forgive him and let the past go? As the residents of Henry Adams have learned, life will throw obstacles their way, but it's how they come together and rise above these challenges that keep the bonds of their close-knit community strong"--Provided by publisher.

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Beverly Jenkins's book On the Corner of Hope and Main was available from LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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