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Tooth Fairy's First Night (Carolrhoda Picture Books)

Tekijä: Anne Bowen

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
463556,335 (3.33)-
Sally the Tooth Fairy's first day on the job is a challenge when a toothless little girl hides her tooth and makes Sally follow a series of clues to find it.

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näyttää 3/3
A cute story about a tenacious young tooth fairy with a great message. Curricular connections - character, setting, plot and theme ( )
  JillStephens | Feb 6, 2016 |
This book's illustrations are very fine, and they point out great features on the fairy. This fairy book has a very novel and creative idea with huge imagination, ( )
  gdesano | Jan 24, 2011 |
Kindergarten-Grade 2–When Sally turns seven, she is given a chance to earn her tooth-fairy wings and follow in the footsteps of her mama, grandma, and great-grandma. With her very own purse, she flies off into the night armed with plenty of advice–to be patient, optimistic, persistent, and, most importantly, never to wake a sleeping child. Her first assignment, however, presents unexpected challenges when, instead of finding a tooth under Miranda Kay's pillow, there is a note designed to test her credibility. She is led on a scavenger hunt from one note to another until, finally, her persistence pays off and she can claim her first success. Playing along with the game, she leaves the child a set of clues to finding her reward. Whimsical watercolor illustrations of the perplexed but determined young tooth fairy perfectly capture the spirit of the story. An imaginative tale with a satisfying ending, and a suitable addition to the tooth-fairy picture-books collection
  Junep | Jun 19, 2008 |
näyttää 3/3
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Sally the Tooth Fairy's first day on the job is a challenge when a toothless little girl hides her tooth and makes Sally follow a series of clues to find it.

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4 2
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