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Make Me Lose

Tekijä: Ember Leigh

Sarjat: Bayshore (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
332738,011 (4)-

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näyttää 2/2
4 stars

I read this out of order but it didn't change or ruin the storyline. I really enjoyed these characters. I found it humorous that two of these brothers, so far, both had the epiphanies that the did regarding work. There was a great banter between Hazel and Gray. I laughed a couple times at how competitive they both were. ( )
  MagicalRi | Feb 24, 2022 |
I loved this book! I couldn't believe that it was Ember's books, not that I do not like her books but I didn't know that she wrote in this genre- romantic comedy and let me tell you that this is definitely her niche. I loved Grayson and Hazel together. This was an enemies to lovers book, who really were two people that have been in love for years however due to some interference and misunderstanding broke up years ago and then went back to their enemies rivalry. Grayson comes back to town to sell his grandmothers house and needs Hazels help since she is the best in the business in their hometown. Hazel could not believe that Grayson is asking for her help and that he is more gorgeous than before but she is going to make him want her and then reject him. But the minute these two spending time together they are combustible and realize that they have loved each other for so long, they are each other soulmates, the problem they lives thousands of miles away and how will they make a relationship work? I can't wait for the next Daly brothers!!! Enjoy!

rcvd an ARc at no cost to author..(netgalley) Voluntarily reviewed with my own thoughts and opinions ( )
  NelisPelusa | Aug 21, 2019 |
näyttää 2/2
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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