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Red Panda & Moon Bear

Tekijä: Jarod Rosello

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
395644,918 (4.08)-
Red Panda and Moon Bear are used to handling lost cats and bullies, but they will need some new friends to deal with ghosts, robots, and alien invaders.

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näyttää 5/5
Red Panda and Moon Bear is about two siblings bravely defending their community from all kinds of ne'er-do-wells. The siblings very much sounded like kids, and the monster hijinks reminded me of Adventure Time. ( )
  boopingaround | Mar 6, 2024 |
“Maybe good and evil are things you do, not things you are.”
I love this story’s frantic energy. Would definitely read more.
( )
  DestDest | May 31, 2022 |
This is hilarious -- from the pragmatic emphasis on the value of playing and goofing around, to the elevated vocabulary (see: The Great Arboreal Uprising), to the not-so-secretive Bad Dog sidekicks, this book has a lot to offer any reader. Really dialed in to silliness, kindness and imagination. I also love the Latinx main characters and the bilingual moments. Wacky and delightful! The author has also shared his Cuban-American heritage and Miami location in the back of the book -- the stories feel very much like they draw on everyday experience with their colorful buildings and tropical foliage. I'm not sure I could handle wearing even a magical hoodie in Miami, but Red Panda and Moon Bear have no hesitation. I wonder if there really are secret tunnels and abandoned lairs there? ( )
  jennybeast | Apr 14, 2022 |
Same delightful, straightforward humor of the first book, with all new adventures! Enjoyed the unfolding story arc a lot, and am wondering what comes next. The storyline has just the right amount of extra intensity that one might hope for in a series book -- it definitely feels like all the good things from the first book, with added complexity, and it also sets us up for that narrative to continue. Good stuff!

Advanced Reader's Copy provided by Edelweiss. ( )
  jennybeast | Apr 14, 2022 |
I loved this! Each story is like a self-contained minisode with callbacks to other stories. Everything (the art, the characters, the stories) is dumb, adorable, and precious. Red Panda and Moon Bear are a great sibling duo who get along without a lot of fighting. I definitely want more of their adventures. ( )
  DestDest | Sep 6, 2021 |
näyttää 5/5
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Red Panda and Moon Bear are used to handling lost cats and bullies, but they will need some new friends to deal with ghosts, robots, and alien invaders.

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Keskiarvo: (4.08)
3 2
3.5 1
5 3


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