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Fresh Kill Tekijä: Adam Carpenter

Fresh Kill (vuoden 2019 painos)

Tekijä: Adam Carpenter (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1011,890,251 (4.2)-
Jimmy McSwain returns, but the question lingers, now that he has finally solved the fifteen-year-old murder of his NYPD cop-father, Joseph, who has he become? Busy concentrating on family issues, Jimmy hasn't taken a new case in nearly three months, and when a call comes in from Philip Connelly, who wants proof of his wife, Myra's, cheating, Jimmy is torn. Take the case, or say no. He rejects it, only to learn a week later that Philip has been found dead in a park on Staten Island. The police believe it was suicide, but Myra-a self-admitted adulteress-is convinced he was murdered. Jimmy agrees to take the case. But it seems his decision to rejoin the world has also affected the other areas of his life: his sister is facing a health crisis, an old friend from his father's past has resurfaced, and his lover, Captain Francis X. Frisano, is working a difficult case in Chelsea where gay men are being attacked. If that wasn't enough, Jimmy is on the hunt to bring down his new nemesis, the criminal mastermind Mr. Wu-Tin. A fire at one of his warehouses stirs fear in Jimmy that the man is trying to destroy evidence of his crimes. That's when life throws him a twist, and suddenly Jimmy feels that just as he's hoping to find answers, new mysteries emerge about whether the path he's on leads to a fresh start, or a fresh kill.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Fresh Kill
Kirjailijat:Adam Carpenter (Tekijä)
Info:Albion, NY: MLR (2019), Edition: 1st Trade Softcover, 276 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, Gay male sleuth, Read
Arvio (tähdet):****
Avainsanoja:Gay mystery


Fresh Kill (tekijä: Adam Carpenter)


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I picked this book up looking for a good mystery and I got that and so much more. The story works as a stand alone but I guarantee that after reading this you'll be grabbing the first books in the series. I genuinely like Jimmy and his hang dog way of looking at life. I felt sad for him at the end but he'll pull it together and forge ahead. Light on the sex which worked as the book was definitely not a romance. Highly recommend! ( )
  Connorz | Jan 4, 2023 |
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Jimmy McSwain returns, but the question lingers, now that he has finally solved the fifteen-year-old murder of his NYPD cop-father, Joseph, who has he become? Busy concentrating on family issues, Jimmy hasn't taken a new case in nearly three months, and when a call comes in from Philip Connelly, who wants proof of his wife, Myra's, cheating, Jimmy is torn. Take the case, or say no. He rejects it, only to learn a week later that Philip has been found dead in a park on Staten Island. The police believe it was suicide, but Myra-a self-admitted adulteress-is convinced he was murdered. Jimmy agrees to take the case. But it seems his decision to rejoin the world has also affected the other areas of his life: his sister is facing a health crisis, an old friend from his father's past has resurfaced, and his lover, Captain Francis X. Frisano, is working a difficult case in Chelsea where gay men are being attacked. If that wasn't enough, Jimmy is on the hunt to bring down his new nemesis, the criminal mastermind Mr. Wu-Tin. A fire at one of his warehouses stirs fear in Jimmy that the man is trying to destroy evidence of his crimes. That's when life throws him a twist, and suddenly Jimmy feels that just as he's hoping to find answers, new mysteries emerge about whether the path he's on leads to a fresh start, or a fresh kill.

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