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Delirium [Blu-ray]

Tekijä: Lamberto Bava

Muut tekijät: Vanni Corbellini (Actor), Serena Grandi (Actor), Daria Nicolodi (Actor)

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612,687,980 (3.25)-
Extra Features: Interview & Intro by Director Lamberto Bava, Interview with actors, and TrailersGioia is a centerfold for Pussycat magazine. In such a profession, having an admirer or two is expected, but her admirer is a vicious killer! He murders her fellow magazine models one at a time, using a variety of twisted implements of death!… (lisätietoja)

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Former model Gioia (Serena Grandi) owns the successful glamour magazine, "Pussycat". Unfortunately a maniac has started killing Gioia's cover models one-by-one and subsequently sending her grotesque photographs of the victims. "Le Foto di Gioia" is a hyper-stylised giallo from Lamberto Bava that is set in the world of glamour modelling. The film's design, set dressing and costuming is appropriately rich and elegant with plenty a gaudy, glitzy '80s style. Cinematographer Gianlorenzo Battaglia approach ensures the film is crisp and sharp throughout. He fills the screen with vibrant colours particularly during the murder sequences when the colour palette moves into hyper-saturated reds. Like most gialli the plot is incredibly improbable with enough odd characters, strange suspects and red herrings to make guessing the identity of the killer nigh on impossible. Adding to the improbable plot Bava throws in a number of weird elements - the bizarre gigantic eyeball on the first murder victims is a real left-field WTF moment. Simon Boswell also adds to the weird mix with a great score that alternates between smooth jazz grooves and pumping '80s synth-rock jams. The cast is great, particularly Serena Grandi as Gioia, who looks stunning throughout and isn't afraid to display her ample bosom and curvaceous figure. Grandi is ably supported by a range of talent including Daria Nicolodi as her assistant Evelyn, Capucine as her rival Flora and George Eastman as her sometime lover, Alex. ( )
  calum-iain | Mar 2, 2019 |
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Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Bava, Lambertoensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Corbellini, VanniActormuu tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Grandi, SerenaActormuu tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Nicolodi, DariaActormuu tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
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Extra Features: Interview & Intro by Director Lamberto Bava, Interview with actors, and TrailersGioia is a centerfold for Pussycat magazine. In such a profession, having an admirer or two is expected, but her admirer is a vicious killer! He murders her fellow magazine models one at a time, using a variety of twisted implements of death!

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