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Quantum Computing for Everyone (The MIT Press)

Tekijä: Chris Bernhardt

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
751352,116 (4.33)-
An accessible introduction to an exciting new area in computation, explaining such topics as qubits, entanglement, and quantum teleportation for the general reader. Quantum computing is a beautiful fusion of quantum physics and computer science, incorporating some of the most stunning ideas from twentieth-century physics into an entirely new way of thinking about computation. In this book, Chris Bernhardt offers an introduction to quantum computing that is accessible to anyone who is comfortable with high school mathematics. He explains qubits, entanglement, quantum teleportation, quantum algorithms, and other quantum-related topics as clearly as possible for the general reader. Bernhardt, a mathematician himself, simplifies the mathematics as much as he can and provides elementary examples that illustrate both how the math works and what it means. Bernhardt introduces the basic unit of quantum computing, the qubit, and explains how the qubit can be measured; discusses entanglement--which, he says, is easier to describe mathematically than verbally--and what it means when two qubits are entangled (citing Einstein's characterization of what happens when the measurement of one entangled qubit affects the second as "spooky action at a distance"); and introduces quantum cryptography. He recaps standard topics in classical computing--bits, gates, and logic--and describes Edward Fredkin's ingenious billiard ball computer. He defines quantum gates, considers the speed of quantum algorithms, and describes the building of quantum computers. By the end of the book, readers understand that quantum computing and classical computing are not two distinct disciplines, and that quantum computing is the fundamental form of computing. The basic unit of computation is the qubit, not the bit.… (lisätietoja)

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Despite being around for decades, the words “quantum mechanics” still make eyes roll even in a room of educated people. Few really understand the phenomena. Among those more scientifically minded, some – thankfully fewer in number – still argue that quantum mechanics will give way someday to a more classical approach. The controversial part of quantum mechanics, which foiled even Albert Einstein, states that to measure the spin or velocity of an electron, one must interfere with the system permanently. This enmeshment of the measurer with the system confuses people, but numerous experiments highlight this paradox. It seems to be an innate part of the universe, not merely a technological limitation.

Smart physicists and mathematicians have noticed an opportunity around quantum mechanics: We can address computational questions with its approach. A system of “qubits” can be used to address problems that classical computing cannot address. This observation has produced a new scientific field of quantum computing. Recently, major companies have begun to jump into this technology in a quest for early supremacy.

Most textbooks use a lot of math to introduce quantum computing – rightfully so because mathematics provide the basis towards all computation. But a math-heavy approach makes the field relatively inaccessible. To address this shortcoming, Chris Bernhardt provides an introduction to the subject with less mathematics. The book teaches basic linear algebra needed to approach the subject. It’s still heavy on the words, not the mathematics, and draws out applications and challenges that confront the field.

Since a child, I have loved mathematics and its creative expressivity. I enjoyed how Bernhardt introduced me to relevant concepts and drew me into quantum concepts. By the end of the book, however, I glazed over the mathematics in favor of just getting the book completed. Perhaps that is a personal failing, but it’s one that I witnessed in many of my college math classes, too!

I found the next-to-last chapter on quantum algorithms the least accessible, but the last chapter on quantum applications was the most interesting. Those in the investment community can find a deep dive into this topic helpful to carefully discover future winners and losers in this burgeoning field. Quantum computing presently requires a lot of money to access, but presumably, like classical computing, that cost will go down with time. This field is fascinating to think about, and Bernhardt makes it truly accessible “for (almost) everyone.” ( )
  scottjpearson | Jun 19, 2024 |
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An accessible introduction to an exciting new area in computation, explaining such topics as qubits, entanglement, and quantum teleportation for the general reader. Quantum computing is a beautiful fusion of quantum physics and computer science, incorporating some of the most stunning ideas from twentieth-century physics into an entirely new way of thinking about computation. In this book, Chris Bernhardt offers an introduction to quantum computing that is accessible to anyone who is comfortable with high school mathematics. He explains qubits, entanglement, quantum teleportation, quantum algorithms, and other quantum-related topics as clearly as possible for the general reader. Bernhardt, a mathematician himself, simplifies the mathematics as much as he can and provides elementary examples that illustrate both how the math works and what it means. Bernhardt introduces the basic unit of quantum computing, the qubit, and explains how the qubit can be measured; discusses entanglement--which, he says, is easier to describe mathematically than verbally--and what it means when two qubits are entangled (citing Einstein's characterization of what happens when the measurement of one entangled qubit affects the second as "spooky action at a distance"); and introduces quantum cryptography. He recaps standard topics in classical computing--bits, gates, and logic--and describes Edward Fredkin's ingenious billiard ball computer. He defines quantum gates, considers the speed of quantum algorithms, and describes the building of quantum computers. By the end of the book, readers understand that quantum computing and classical computing are not two distinct disciplines, and that quantum computing is the fundamental form of computing. The basic unit of computation is the qubit, not the bit.

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