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Is That a Big Number?

Tekijä: Andrew Elliott

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241963,961 (4)-
Impressive statistics are thrown at us every day - the cost of health care; the size of an earthquake; the distance to the nearest star; the number of giraffes in the world. We know all these numbers are important - some more than others - and it's vaguely unsettling when we don't really have a clear sense of how remarkable or how ordinary they are. How do we work out what these figures actually mean? Are they significant, should we be worried, or excited, or impressed? How big is big, how small is small? With this entertaining and engaging book, help is at hand. Andrew Elliott gives us the tips and tools to make sense of numbers, to get a sense of proportion, to decipher what matters. It is a celebration of a numerate way of understanding the world. It shows how number skills help us to understand the everyday world close at hand, and how the same skills can be stretched to demystify the bigger numbers that we find in the wider contexts of science, politics, and the universe.Entertaining, full of practical examples, and memorable concepts, Is That A Big Number? renews our relationship with figures. If numbers are the musical notes with which the symphony of the universe is written, and you're struggling to hear the tune, then this is the book to get you humming again.-- publisher's website.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatcoachdaddy, Den85, immerito, LibraryofMistakes

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Sarà perché è il secondo libro di fila che leggo sulla spannometria, ma non è che questo lavoro mi sia piaciuto così tanto. Elliott punta molto sulla capacità di visualizzare i grandi numeri, e quindi da un lato lavora su immagini facilmente riconoscibili, come quella di uno stadio gremito di gente e diviso in vari settori, e dall'altro inserisce enormi elenchi di misure che dovrebbero servire da ancore per avere un'idea delle dimensioni in vari campi. Ecco, secondo me quella non è una grande idea, per l'ottima ragione che ti limiti a sostituire un numero sconosciuto con un altro numero che però non ti dice molto: più semplice imparare a fare confronti con cose vicino a noi, tipo visualizzare il debito pubblico calcolando quale parte ciascuno di noi si troverebbe a proprio carico. Altre parti sono più interessanti, però: per esempio, la sua difesa dei logaritmi è assolutamente condivisibile. In definitiva, non me la sento di consigliarlo, nonostante la buona traduzione di Valeria Lucia Gili. (Che stranamente non era indicata nella versione che ho preso da MLOL; però mancava parte del colophon, probabilmente era uscita male) ( )
  .mau. | Mar 18, 2021 |
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Impressive statistics are thrown at us every day - the cost of health care; the size of an earthquake; the distance to the nearest star; the number of giraffes in the world. We know all these numbers are important - some more than others - and it's vaguely unsettling when we don't really have a clear sense of how remarkable or how ordinary they are. How do we work out what these figures actually mean? Are they significant, should we be worried, or excited, or impressed? How big is big, how small is small? With this entertaining and engaging book, help is at hand. Andrew Elliott gives us the tips and tools to make sense of numbers, to get a sense of proportion, to decipher what matters. It is a celebration of a numerate way of understanding the world. It shows how number skills help us to understand the everyday world close at hand, and how the same skills can be stretched to demystify the bigger numbers that we find in the wider contexts of science, politics, and the universe.Entertaining, full of practical examples, and memorable concepts, Is That A Big Number? renews our relationship with figures. If numbers are the musical notes with which the symphony of the universe is written, and you're struggling to hear the tune, then this is the book to get you humming again.-- publisher's website.

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